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Management of Conjunctive use of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources: A Case Study of Daulatpur Distributaries of District Amethi (U.P.) of India.


Prof. Sudhakar Pathak , Sri Ramswaroop Memorial university; Prof. (Dr.) Abhishek Saxena, Sri Ramswaroop Memorial university


Conjunctive use of Ground Water, Conjunctive use of Surface Water


Management of canal system for agricultural production is challenging. The work presents GIS based integrated modeling, which integrates soil moisture accounting and irrigation water requirement, rainfall–runoff, system loss and groundwater flow system. Developed model is employed to evaluate different water management scenarios such as change in rainfall sequence (wet, normal and dry season), change in canal water supply, impact of land use changes including their socio–economic implications. The application of model is illustrated with real application in a part of Indo-Gangetic plain of Uttar Pradesh in India. The paper assesses different modes of irrigation and compares them with conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. The data used in this study was collected from different department e.g. Irrigation Department U.P. Lucknow, Sawara Lucknow and Ground water Department Lucknow. The results highlighted the problem of increased use of tube well water in the saline groundwater zones that had resulted in the deterioration of the soils and groundwater quality, which has led to the problem of up coning of saline groundwater. Conjunctive water management in crop increased the farm income, compared to only using the canal and tube well water, respectively. The model optimization results showed that it is possible to increase the total gross margins while keeping the salinity levels and the changes in depth to water table in the acceptable limits through conjunctive water management.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I110094
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 01/02/2017
Page(s): 82-84

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