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Density Based Traffic Control System


Sakshi Santosh Pandey , Thakur Polytechnic; Mittal Jethva, Thakur Polytechnic; Sailee Jangam, Thakur Polytechnic; Yashika Panwar, Thakur Polytechnic


Microcontroller, RFID Card, IR Sensor, Traffic Signal, PCB


The project is designed to manage the traffic signal or traffic light by estimating the density or number of vehicle on the road or lane. Traffic light or signal will automatically change by calculating the density. Nowadays traffic is the major issue in most of the cities so by applying this system we can control the traffic. The main objective of this project is to control the traffic lights or signal based on the density of the vehicles in particular lane.In this system, IR sensors are used to evaluate the density of the vehicles which are fixed within a fixed space. All the sensors are incorporated with the microcontroller which in turn controls the working or when to turn on/off the traffic signal or the signal light according to density detected by the sensors. If the traffic density is sky-scraping on particular side more priority is given to that side. The sensors incessantly keep sensing density on all sides and the green signal is set to the side on main concern basis, where the sensors detect high density. The side with next priority level follows the first main concern level. By using this system traffic can be cleared without any worry and time delays even though there is no traffic on the other side can be avoided. For the emergency vehicle, there is a particular RFID card which will be hand over to them. And if the IR sensor will detect the emergency vehicle it will give first priority to that particular lane.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I110444
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 01/02/2017
Page(s): 576-578

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