Analysis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cell using Digital Image Processing |
Author(s): |
Poonam Manohar Bhilare , Bharati Vidhyapeeth womens Engineering College, Dhankawadi,Pune-43; Sonam Kundalik Alhat, Bharati Vidhyapeeth womens Engineering College, Dhankawadi,Pune-43; Vijayalaxmi Bhoge, Bharati Vidhyapeeth womens Engineering College, Dhankawadi,Pune-43; Vinod Mulik, Bharati Vidhyapeeth womens Engineering College, Dhankawadi,Pune-43 |
Keywords: |
Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia, Lymphocytes, Lymphoblasts, K-mean clustering, SVM |
Abstract |
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is type of blood cancer. This type of cancer mostly occurs in children of age 3 to 7. ALL caused by excessive production of immature lymphocytes. Early detection of ALL is important for faster treatment. The present system used for ALL detection is mainly based on visual inspection. This process is tiring and error prone. The proposed system is based on automatic image analysis of microscopic images of bone marrow. It identifies lymphocytes using digital image processing. For this identification K-mean clustering has been used. By using k-mean clustering nuclei of lymphocyte is obtained. The features of nuclei are extracted i.e. texture, geometry, etc. which are further used for classification. SVM is used for classification of cancerous and noncancerous cell. So lymphoblast cell which is cancerous cell can be detected easily. This will help in faster detection of ALL with less efforts and with minimum errors. So ALL cell detection using digital image processing and SVM classification will be useful for haematologist for faster and accurate result. It is not only low cost but also efficient solution that uses image analysis for quantitative examination of bone marrow stained blood microscopic images for leukemia detection. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I20007 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 2 Publication Date: 01/05/2016 Page(s): 70-72 |
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