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Design and Development of Fire detection and Dexterous Fire suppression system


Kushal Thakre , GHRCE, Nagpur; Prof.G.R.Talmale, GHRCE, Nagpur


Fire Detection, Fire Suppression, Camera, X-Y Coordinates


Fire protection system is vital need in this world to save the financial and human loss caused by fire accidents. The losses due to fire are not recoverable. Since different sensors have been developed for fire detection and suppression, very few of them are effective. Fire should be detected and extinguish as early as possible. In this paper, a system is designed which can work cognitively just like human approach for suppressing the fire. The fire detection is carried out by vision based techniques which is very accurate. This technique monitors the parameters of fire pixels. Colour identification algorithm is used in this system for effective detection of fire. This process is done using continuous video surveillance by Camera. The extinguisher system proposed in this paper is automated and point to point suppression can be possible using this technique which is very useful for well-located suppression of fire. This system is equipped with the stepper motor which is very accurate in its results hence improving system effectiveness.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I20751
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2016
Page(s): 1188-1191

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