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Design and Development of Inline Horizontal Multi Spindle Drilling Machine


Darshan M S , Govt. Engg. college hassan; Manjula S, Govt. Engg. college hassan; Prakash H R, Govt. Engg. college hassan; Mr. Purushotham, Govt. Engg. college hassan


CNC machines, SPM


The growth of small scale industries are now converted as large scale industries commercializes their products for various operations and process hence main task ahead the small scale industries to satisfy requirement of the customers. Hence they uses special purpose machines as the cost is low as compared CNC machines. The use of SPM increase productivity and maintain the accuracy of same operation for number of times.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I10459
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2017
Page(s): 579-581

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