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Water Lifting using Lifts Energy


Jadhav Bharat Suresh , Shree Chatrapati Shivaji College Of Engineering, Rahuri Factory; Gaikwad Pradeep Machindra, Shree Chatrapati Shivaji College Of Engineering, Rahuri Factory; Shaikh Arbaj Ayyub, Shree Chatrapati Shivaji College Of Engineering, Rahuri Factory; Tapase Nitesh Balu, Shree Chatrapati Shivaji College Of Engineering, Rahuri Factory; Bankar Kiran Raosaheb, Shree Chatrapati Shivaji College Of Engineering, Rahuri Factory


Solar Plate, Battery, Motor, Sprocket, Chain Shaft, Lift


The various development in the industrial sectors and in our daily life is increasing hence we have also tried to modify the systems which are used in our daily working areas to save the electrical energy and it is environment friendly. In our daily life we are used electrical lift for going up and down to reduce human effort. By using this electric lift we save the electric energy by the lift on solar energy. For using the lifts kinetic energy which is up and down motion we lift’s the water from lower tank to upper tank. In this project we save power consumption and effective utilization of energy takes place.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I10707
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2017
Page(s): 1034-1036

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