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Modeling & Analysis of Injection Chamber of High Pressure Die Casting to Reduce Porosity


Vikrant Gautam , shivs9999@gmail.com; Trilok Chauhan, vikrantgautam001@gmail.com


Porosity, High Pressure Die Casting, Injection Chamber


In this research work, thorough study has been done to decrease the porosity that arises during high pressure die casting. Ansys software has been used to reduce the defect of porosity. The reading, dimensions and specifications of the injection chamber have been taken from a manufacturing plant. The main objective is to reduce porosity from the end product which is a 100 watt LED light frame in this case. With the help of ansys, a CAE software, the change in the pressure of molten metal flow has been observed inside the injection chamber which has been modeled using ansys fluent. And it has been found that when the pressure of molten metal flow is reduced, porosity also tends to get reduced or completely vanished.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I50001
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2017
Page(s): 79-82

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