Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Ferrocement with Partial Replacement of Cement by Egg-Shell Powder |
Author(s): |
Balram Ravindra Lagad , L. G. N. S. C. O. E. NASIK; K. K. Tolani, L. G. N. S. C. O. E. NASHIK; Nilesh Sanjiv More, S. N. D. C. O. E. YEOLA NASHIK; Prof. R. S. Talikoti, L. G. N. S. C. O. E. NASHIK |
Keywords: |
Egg-Shell Powder, Self-Compacting Mortar, Ferrocement |
Abstract |
Concrete are widely used material in the world and it plays very important role in construction industry. Ordinary. The huge amount of Carbon-dioxide released during the production of cement. For Production of 1000kg of cement, 900kg of carbon dioxide get released. On other hand a large quantity of Egg-shell wastes are produced every year in the world and it cause the problems of landfilling and human diseases. The aim of present study is to check the feasibility of egg-shell powder as a partial replacement of cement in self-compacting ferrocement. In current work, a combination of Egg shell with silica fumes are used in different proportions in self-compacting ferrocement to find the feasibility of using the Egg shells as an alternate to cement. Egg shell powder replaces 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% in addition with the silica fume at proportion of 1:1.5 of weight of Egg-shell powder. Mortar were cast and Compressive test, Split Tensile and Flexural tests were carried out to find the best combination which results in optimum percentage of strength. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV5I50232 Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5 Publication Date: 01/08/2017 Page(s): 172-175 |
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