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Comparison of Analysis of Building with Conventional Bricks and AAC Blocks with Silicon Admixture


Miss. Prajakta Dinesh Bulkade , P.L.I.T.M.S. Buldana; Prof. Ganesh P. Deshmukh , P.L.I.T.M.S. Buldana


Life Cycle Assessment, Kiln Burnt Brick, Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, Life Cycle Assessment Impact Categories, Raw Material Inde


In most of the cases Autoclaved aerated Concrete block is stronger than a Conventional brick made of clay and both of them have their pros and cons. Kiln Burnt Brick is majorly used exterior wall material in the market. Also, Aerated Concrete (AAC) is a non combustible, cementatious building material that is expanding into new worldwide markets. Here we aimed to compare the environmental impact of materials- Kiln Burnt Brick and Autoclaved Aerated Concrete used for wall assemblies. The final objective is to evaluate the materials on the bases of Life Cycle Assessment. The permeability and hydrophilic nature of pressed concrete products leads to easy water penetration. Water penetration is a well-known factor affecting the performance and the durability of pressed concrete masonry. Efflorescence of concrete blocks is one of the problems associated with water penetration. Water repellent admixtures can minimize water movement within the concrete. The current research exhibits an admixture involving silicone nanotechnology using a silicone water repellent admixture. The nano-molecular polysiloxane lines the capillary walls of the concrete via strong siloxane linkages which overcomes the limitations inherent in traditional non-reactive admixtures resulting in long term durability of the hydrophobic treatment. The treated concrete achieves low water permeation and high efflorescence resistance. This innovative technology has achieved market success in creating pre-sealed decorative concrete blocks and pavers.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I90051
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2017
Page(s): 21-23

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