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Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro


Md Nadeem Uddin , AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology; Dr. Md Subhan, AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology




In modern world buildings with shear wall having a distinctive qualities in the modern multi-storey construction in urban India. So such typical construction is highly undesirable in high building built in seismically active areas. Here we study the importance of recognizing the presence of the shear wall in the analysis of building. Design of RCC elements will also be perform as per IS-456 2000 for the building with shear wall. A numerical study will perform using Staad pro Software will be used for multi storey 3D frames with shear wall and without shear wall to gain the knowledge and responses of the building structure under seismic and wind loads. Shear force, Bending moment, Axial force, inter storey drift, base shear, storey shear, storey moment will be computed for both the buildings with and without shear wall and comparing the results.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I90062
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2017
Page(s): 70-75

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