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Domestic Waste Water Treatment using Modified Root Zone Technology


Mr. Rajendra B. Waghmode , Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri, Pune.; Mr. Sanket N. Mandle, .; Dr. Purushottam S. Dange, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology Pimpri, Pune.


Modified Root Zone Technology, Colocasia, Disinfection


In today's scenario, Waste water treatment is a challenging task, technically as well as economically. The present study will base on developing modification in conventional root zone technology systems. In conventional RZTS’ there are many problems related to quality of effluents, life span, and maintenance and space requirements. This system will be developed on the basis of effluent quality and space requirement constraints. Study will be carried on a pilot scale reactor having dimensions 1m X 1m X 0.4m. The reactor will be divided in three zones. The top zone will be consisting of soil layer, intermediate zone will consist of sand layer and bottom zone will be consisting aggregate layer of various thicknesses. On top layer Colocasia trees will be planted. When waste water will pass through the top and intermediate layer all suspended solids will get trapped in the pores of soil and sand and remaining solids will be get removed with the help of bacteria. Bacteria that are present in waste water will use the solids as their food and they will get oxygen through the roots of colocasia trees. After detention period water will allowed passing through the outlet valve and it will be analyzed for various factors, such as BOD, COD and solids. After that with proper disinfection water will be discharged on surface water bodies.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I90072
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2017
Page(s): 115-116

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