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Review on Pushover Analysis of Static Non-Linear RCC Framed Structure


Mohammad Tabrez Khan , Prashanti Institute of Science and Technology, Ujjain (M.P); Prof. Sohail Qureshi, Prashanti Institute of Science and Technology, Ujjain (M.P); Prof. Priyanka Sharda, Prashanti Institute of Science and Technology, Ujjain (M.P); Prof. Rahul Sharma, Prashanti Institute of Science and Technology, Ujjain (M.P)


Non-linear Static Analysis, Performance based design, Capacity, Demand, Performance point, ETABS 9.7, Pushover analysis, RCC Framed structure


In recent years, an extensive examination going on performance of structure during a seismic event. During seismic action, building will deform in in-elastic zone, soits required evaluation which consider post-elastic behavior of structure. Performance based seismic design is a modern technique to earthquake resistance which can predict performance of structure using rigorous non-linear static analysis. Easy and most used method to evaluate performance of structure is non-linear static analysis widely known as pushover analysis. As name implies, it’s a process of pushing structure horizontally, with a prescribed loading pattern incrementally, i.e "pushing" structure & plotting total applied shear force & associated lateral displacement at each increment, until structure reaches a limit state or collapse condition. It provides better understanding of seismic performance of building & also give identification of progression of damage and subsequently failure of building's structural element .By pushover analysis, One can get behavior of building in non -linear zone, which is not covered in conventional elastic design.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I90122
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2017
Page(s): 124-129

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