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Robot Navigation by Speech and Gesture Recognition using Artificial Intelligence


Dhanshri Shahaji Patil , M.G.M. College of Engineering and Technology,Kamothe; Apoorva Rajdatta Patil, M.G.M. College of Engineering and Technology,Kamothe; Sujata Shankar Mohite, M.G.M. College of Engineering and Technology,Kamothe


Wireless, Convolution Neural Network, Vision Based


Human and computer interaction is a trending topic in today's world. Artificial robot is something which work on behalf of a human being, and thus like a human but not a human. Thus navigation of robot means finding its distance as well as position but this can be done by using gestures and speech. Thus this Technology can be used for navigation of a robot, vehicle as well as and industrial site and virtual reality. Thus this wireless robot can be used in areas which are hazardous or damaged where human beings could not work. The robots navigated on vision based will have high computation cost and require more collaboration efforts. Thus a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) has a capacity of predicting potential path directions.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I70086
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 01/10/2018
Page(s): 133-135

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