Case Study: Energy Audit & Conservation of Instrumentation Department |
Author(s): |
Anushka Kamble , Bharati Vidhyapeeth College of Engineering; Sandhya Kubal, Bharati Vidhyapeeth College of Engineering; Prerana Kolambkar, Bharati Vidhyapeeth College of Engineering; Sanjay Deshwal, Bharati Vidhyapeeth College of Engineering; Sushama Wankhade, Bharati Vidhyapeeth College of Engineering |
Keywords: |
Energy Audit, Energy Efficiencies measures, Energy Management |
Abstract |
An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building, process system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the outputs. When the object of study is an occupied building then reducing energy consumption while maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety are of primary concern. Beyond simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to prioritize the energy uses according to the greatest to least cost effective opportunities for energy savings. Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision-making in the area of energy management. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use, and serves to identify all the energy streams in a facility. It quantifies energy usage according to its discrete functions. Energy audit is an effective tool in defining and pursuing comprehensive energy management is to achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilization, throughout the organization. Through this project we can prioritize the energy uses according to the greatest to least cost effective opportunities for energy savings in our college campus. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20380 Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2 Publication Date: 01/05/2020 Page(s): 789-792 |
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