Prediction of Runoff in Ungauged Basin Using Snyder Method |
Author(s): |
A. T. Gavhane , Sou.Venutai Chavan Polytechnic, Pune -41 ; A. D. Londhe , Feedback infra pvt ltd, Andheri (East) Mumbai; S. S. Nikam, RMDSSOE, Warje Pune -56 |
Keywords: |
Ungauged basin, IUH, SRTM DEM, Snyder’s method |
Abstract |
Drainage basins in the most parts of world are either partially gauged or completely ungauged. Prediction in ungauged basins is a serious challenge in hydrologic sciences, and there is still abundant work required to realize strong and reliable predictions for such basins. Errors in the prediction of hydrological parameters are seen due to unavailability of sufficient discharge data. In this research work Sub-basin of Kundalika River has been taken as the study area. Firstly we created the DEM by using the ArcGIS technique. To derive SUH we are used traditional synthetic unit hydrograph like Snyder’s method. After modeling we developed the unit hydrograph of basin and we predict the discharge of basin. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV9I30063 Published in: Volume : 9, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2021 Page(s): 52-55 |
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