Automatic Vehicle Detecting Street Light with Traffic Monitoring System |
Author(s): |
Riya Ranjan , Dehradun Institute of Technology (DIT University); Megha Goyal, Dehradun Institute of Technology (DIT University); Bharat Kumar, Dehradun Institute of Technology (DIT University); Sandeep Sharma, Dehradun Institute of Technology (DIT University) |
Keywords: |
LED Panel, HPS, PWM |
Abstract |
This paper introduces a framework for a dynamic and energy efficient streetlight switching based on vehicle mobility on the street. It aims at developing a self-operating model which is automatically controlled by the presence as well as position of vehicles on the road. The illuminating duration and power of the lamp is decided by the density of vehicles passing by. The prototype discussed comprises of a LED Panel along with vehicle detecting sensors connected via relays. Initially, street light is dim which supports the movement of pedestrians. With the detection of the vehicle by the sensors, it switches from dim to medium followed by highest intensity and vice-versa, when it leaves. The streetlight lightens with highest intensity when the vehicle is just below it whereas it is medium just after detection and just before leaving. This concept is further merged with an automatic traffic control system which regulate the time duration of traffic light in accordance with the number of vehicles in the particular lane. This collectively formulates an effective and efficient street light with traffic monitoring system. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: NCILP026 Published in: Conference 1 : NCIL 2015 Publication Date: 16/10/2015 Page(s): 103-105 |
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