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HoloLens - The Technology beyond Imagination


Parth Parab , Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic; Shubham Warghade, Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic; Deepal Thakur, Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic


Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Hologram, Smart-Glass


Microsoft HoloLens is a smart-glasses headset which is actually a wireless Windows 10 computer. It has state of the art sensors, a high-tech stereoscopic 3D optical head-set display, and authentic sound to allow augmented reality applications and Holograms a natural UI that the user will interact using eye gaze, voice input, and hand gestures.

Other Details

Paper ID: NCTAAP010
Published in: Conference 4 : NCTAA 2016
Publication Date: 29/01/2016
Page(s): 41-43

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