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Lecture and Attendance Management System


Pradnesh Dinesh Kore , Mumbai University Mumbai, India; Shubham Chandrakant Kelkar, Mumbai University Mumbai, India; Gaurav Sunil Khare, Mumbai University Mumbai, India; Prof. Neha Singh, Mumbai University Mumbai, India


Lecture Management System, AMS


Attendance is an important aspect of conducting lectures and practical in any academic institution. Lecturers manually take attendance in classes either calling out names/ roll numbers or else asking them to write them down on paper. Taking attendance on paper or muster can get tedious. Also maintaining records in such cases can get problematic and inaccuracies can get induced. Solution for this: Digitization of the records and attendance. In addition to that it will help automation of report generation and handling of attendance. With addition to attendance next thing required highly in academic institution is a way to convey notices and important messages to staff and students. Digitizing this work will also further help staff reduce their work and thereby giving more time for themselves and other important academic work.

Other Details

Paper ID: NCTAAP013
Published in: Conference 4 : NCTAA 2016
Publication Date: 29/01/2016
Page(s): 50-54

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