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An Effective secure group sharing structure in pubic cloud computing


Priyanka Sarje , PCCOE,Pune; Priyanka Sarje, PCCOE,Pune; Rohini Pawar, PCCOE,Pune; Priyanka Satkar, PCCOE,Pune; Prof.Pallavi Dhade, PCCOE,Pune


Secure Group Sharing, Forward Secrecy, Backward Secrecy, Public Cloud Computing, Group Key Agreement


With the prominence of gathering information sharing out in public cloud computing, the protection and security of gathering sharing information have ended up two noteworthy issues. The cloud supplier can't be dealt with as a trusted outsider due to its semi-trust nature, and in this way the conventional security models can't be direct summed up into cloud based gathering sharing structures. In this paper, we propose a novel secure gathering sharing structure for open cloud, which can viably exploit the cloud servers' assist however with having no delicate information being presented to assailants and the cloud supplier. The system consolidates intermediary signature, improved TGDH and intermediary re-encryption together into a convention. By applying the intermediary signature system, the gathering pioneer can successfully give the benefit of gathering administration to one or more picked gathering individuals. The upgraded TGDH plan empowers the gathering to arrange and redesign the gathering key sets with the assistance of cloud servers, which does not oblige the greater part of the gathering individuals been online constantly. By embracing intermediary re-encryption, most computationally concentrated operations can be appointed to cloud servers without uncovering any private data. Broad security and execution investigation demonstrates that our proposed plan is profoundly efficient and satisfies the security necessities for open cloud based secure gathering sharing.

Other Details

Paper ID: SPCN005
Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/01/2016
Page(s): 1-7

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