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251 |
A High Bandwidth Low Power Supply CMOS Operational Amplifier
-Naveen Sigroha ; Bal Krishan
In this paper, A High Bandwidth Low Power Supply CMOS Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) is designed and analyze the effect of various aspect ratios on the characteristics, which operates at 1.2V power supply using 0.09μm CMOS technology. The Op-Amp designed is a two-stage CMOS Op-Amp. The Op-Amp is designed to exhibit a unity gain frequency of 30.87MHz and exhibits a gain of 39.86 dB. The task of CMOS Op-Amp design optimization is investigated in this work. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
991-993 |
252 |
Stock Price Prediction using Mean Normalization and Neural Networks
-Rohit Kriplani ; Prof. Sankar Ganesh
This paper proposes neural networks a non-linear approach to predict future trends of stock market. The model is made up of neural networks whose data are pre-processed using mean normalization technique scaled between -1 to 1. The model is created on MATLAB in the form of simulation work. The method used here is multilayer perceptron taking different number of hidden nodes into account. The Reliance stocks is considered. The sum of squares of differences between target and predicted errors is computed with 4-3-1, 4-5-1 and 4-7-1 neural network architecture. Read More...
India |
994-997 |
253 |
Optimization of Public Bus Mass Transit System: A Case Study of Anand City
-Dolee patel ; Krupa Dave
The study is carried out in the city of Anand. The objective of the study is to find the optimal route length of Vallabhipur Transportation Cooperative Society Pvt. Ltd. (VTCOS) buses selected routes. Various data are being collected such as primary and secondary data for the existing network of the bus service. Here the study is done by using TransCAD software. Software provides useful tools such as road network links, shortest paths, etc. The data was inserted in the software to make road network maps and shortest paths. The data is collected including, passenger capacity, route length, time per trip, total trips made per day, Boarding and Alighting survey of passengers is carried out for each route. Research it is seen that the bus service does not run throughout the city of Anand. Some of the routes are having very low load factors, thus buses are running empty and some routes are so largely used that increase in number of buses is advised. A circular route and an alternate route for route 7 is suggested from the study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
998-1002 |
254 |
Design and Thermal Analysis of Disc Brake
-Mr. Pappu S. Gaikwad ; Prof. Kaustubh S. Mangrulkar
These day technologies go beyond us. For automotive field, the technology of engine develops very fast even the system of the car, luxury or comforts everything that develops by the innovation of engineer. Although the engineer gives priority for safety measure, but most consumers still have inadequate of knowledge in safety system. Thus safety is the first important thing we must focus. This paper is presented with “Thermal analysis of Disc Brake Rotor with slot shape optimization†which studies about on disc brake Rotor by analysis of different shapes of slots of different vehicle’s Disc Brake Rotor. Therefore, we can optimize number of shapes of slots to estimate the good thermal conductivity of the disc brake Rotor. In this paper, Thermal analysis done on real model of Disc Brake Rotor of Bajaj Pulsar 220 and Thermal analysis of disc brake Rotor of different shapes of slots of different vehicle’s in one Disc brake rotor. Different shapes of slots are because of to reduce the weight of disc rotor and for good thermal conductivity. Hopefully this paper will help everyone to understand Thermal analysis of disc brake rotor and how disc brake works more efficiently, which can help to reduce the accident that may happen in each day. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1003-1006 |
255 |
Intelligent Route Finding System using M Star Algorithm
-Madhu Amarnath ; Sankar Palanisamy
The increased traffic and complex modern road network have made finding a good route from one location to another a difficult task. There are many search algorithms that have been proposed to solve this problem. The most well-known among them are Dijkstra’s algorithm, and A*. While these algorithms are effective for route finding, they are wasteful in terms of computational overhead. In this paper a novel algorithm M*(pronounced as M Star) is suggested for intelligent route finding which uses better evaluation criteria and the notion of cumulative proximity score. This proposed technique will reduce the time and space requirements in computation, and also produces better result in terms of accuracy and shortness of path found. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1007-1009 |
256 |
A Review on Finite Element Analysis of Curved Plate Overlapping Welded Joint
-Kanchan D. Jaysingpure ; Amol B.Dhumne
Basically a welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by fusion of the edges of the two plates to be joined together with or without application of pressure and filler material. Welding is extensively used in fabrication as an alternative method for casting or forging and as a replacement for a bolted and riveted joint. Since it is related to human being, it is necessary to design and analysis the joint with prior attention to safely of its user.A better approach to the prediction of welding deformation is using the combined technologies of experiments with numerical calculation. With modern computing facilities, the Finite Element (FE) technique has become an effective method for prediction and assessment of welding residual stress and distortions various factors, the quantitative prediction and the control of welding deformation especially for a large and complex welded structure is extremely difficult. Typical welds are done on flat surfaces and their strengths are well catalogued for reference. If a lap joint is required for longitudinal plates, the reference for taking overlap length is available. When a lap joint is required for curved plates, no reference is available for it. The objective of this project is to determine optimized overlapping angle and suitable welding configuration among single end weld joint and both end weld joint. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1010-1013 |
257 |
Roll Cage Analysis and Fabrication (All-Terrain Vehicle)
-Deepak Nair ; Vivek Bavisi; Hitesh Verma
The paper over here deals with analysis and fabrication of a roll cage. The roll cage is just a skeleton of an automobile. It also plays a very important role as a protestant for the driver and the vehicle. Here,analysis and fabrication of a roll cage has been done with respect of various loading tests conducted like front, torsion and rear. The main focus has been done on the roll cage for improving the performance of vehicle without any failure with the help of analysis and Rulebook of SAE-BAJA 2015. Read More...
Mechanical and Automobile Engineering |
India |
1014-1015 |
258 |
Stability Relief for the Optically Challenged (ST.R.O.NG.)
-Akash Agte ; Sweeney Pandit; Aniket Bhosale; Komal Ghonge; Atul Shintre
It has been a worldwide problem to have low vision and blindness. The problem has come at zenith when in the whole world, there are 39 million of people are blind and 245 millions have low vision. Even though there has been such a serious problem, there is no proper technology for the people which can become a prop for blind people. We suppose that this paper shall address an alternative to the technologies that already exist and henceforth, they will not need to be dependent on any stick. Read More...
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
India |
1016-1018 |
259 |
Biometrics Fingerprint Sensors: An Introduction
-Nitin Sambharwal ; Dr. Chander Kant
Every human has distinct physiological as well as behavioral characteristics and to recognize each individual we need a biometric system that provides a wide variety of reliable personal recognition schemes either in form of confirmation or determination. The purpose of such schemes is to make sure that the services are only accessed by a genuine user, and no one else use of it. This includes fingerprint, voice, face, gait, iris, signature, hand geometry etc. Mainly the biometric system consists of four main modules i.e. sensor module, feature extraction module, matching module and decision module. In a biometric system, sensor module is the first module so it is very essential to have accurate acquisition of data over there. In this paper various type of fingerprint sensors are discussed in detail. There are some parameters like pixel density, resolution, SN ratio, motion blur, gray scale etc. of these sensors which are also included. Sensors also encounter some challenges like durability, dry & wet finger, noisy data, spoof attacks etc. Finally the list of most deployed sensors with their parameters. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1019-1025 |
260 |
Enhancing the Coverage Area of Wi-Fi Access Point Using CANTENNA
-Reshma.K ; Naga Haritha Devi.S; Laxmi Vimala Vinodini.V
“The next decade will be the Wireless Era.†– Intel Executive Sean Maloney. Wi-Fi Internet access is fast gaining popularity as we are entering the 'unplugged' phase of communication technology. Wi-Fi has developed from synergy of wireless communication, computer networking and Internet technology. It has radically changed the way we connect and communicate. In this paper, the existing Omni directional antenna will be replaced with CANTENNA to enhance the coverage area of an access point to several hundred meters. Read More...
India |
1026-1028 |
261 |
An Effective Third Party Auditing in Private Cloud using Kerberos
-Indra Priyadharshini S ; Akila K; Sathish Kumar
Cloud computing is the emerging phase in the Internet's evolution, where it provides means through which power of computing, infrastructure of computing, computer applications and other business services can be delivered to businesses and individual as a service wherever and whenever they need. Using cloud storage, users can store their data remotely and enjoy the required high-quality applications and services from a shared pool of Configurable computing resource without the burden of local data storage and maintenance. A directory server is created that allows its registered users to access server information with remote logins that are secured by Kerberos authentication protocol (Third party Auditing-TPA) for secure communication over insecure channels. The original password or user credential, does not travel in the network and thus the transaction is more secure. Unlike usual authentications which verify login credentials with stored credentials, Kerberos authentication works by using the concept of principal credentials that are temporary credentials and temporary keys that are time stamped. A key distribution center manages production of tokens. Verification is done by a two way authentication of the principal login credentials by combining the generated token and the principal login in an encryption decryption process along with the stored credentials. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1029-1032 |
262 |
Google Glass - The Next Generation Wearable Computing Technology
-Suriya Praba T ; R.S.Vindan; Indra Priyadarshini.S
Google glass is also known as Project Glass. Google glass is a research and development program by Google to develop a Head-Mounted Display. It facilitates hands-free displaying of information currently available to most smart phone users, and allowing for interaction with the Internet via natural language voice commands. They have the combined features of virtual reality and augmented reality. Google glasses are basically wearable computers that will use the same Android software that powers Android smart phones and tablets. We understand that an alternative version is also being developed for iPhone users. Google Glass is one of the most modern gadgets we’ve seen in recent times. A useful technology for all kinds of people including handicapped/disabled. It is suitable for people who already wear glasses. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
1033-1036 |
263 |
Student’s Academic Performance Analysis using SOM
-P.Gowri Shankar ; A.Shaik Abdul Khadir; K.Mohamed Amanullah
The ability to monitor the progress of students’ academic performance is a critical issue and monitoring student academic performance is not an easy task. Many factors could act as barriers to students attaining and maintaining high scores throughout the academic career. Moreover such type of problems could be solved with the help of data mining techniques. The prediction of academic results shows the students overall academic performance during their tenure and enables them to cope with academics easily. The proposed study aims to develop an effective decision classifier for monitoring and predicting students’ academic performance using clustering techniques. One such method investigated in this model is Self Organizing Map or SOM clustering technique. This method is applied to the student data set and the results are predicted. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
1037-1039 |
264 |
Manipulating Digital Information through Physical Manipulations
-Arjun Toshniwal ; Sharad Shriyan; Ankit Raghuram; Kishore Kalastri
It is essential to link the digital world with the physical world so that the communication gap between the technologies is reduced to a considerable extent[2]. Thus the people who are new to this and doesn’t have a fair amount of knowledge about coding and how the digital world operates will also be able to use it effectively .To ease our daily life with the technology around us it is necessary that technology understand our surrounding situations and help us with the required information. In order to achieve this desired goal between the technology and human it is need that technology works as our third eye [1]. Read More...
computer science |
India |
1040-1041 |
265 |
Preserving the Privacy of a Private Image using Visual Cryptography
-M.Baskar ; T.Gnanasekaran; B.Saranya
Preserving the privacy of pictures keeps exploitation face de identification and face swapping is unreliable since these techniques reduced the chance of automatic face recognition, so the first image is lost. So as to supply additional security to the digital image, visual cryptography is planned. during this case, personal face image is dithered into two host face pictures that square measure keep in two different online servers specified the private image is discovered only each sheets square measure at the same time accessible. At a similar time, the individual sheet pictures don't reveal the identity of the non-public image.
1) The possibility of hiding a private face image in two host face images and successful matching of face images reconstructed from the sheets.
2) The inability of sheets to reveal the identity of the private face image.
Computer Engineering |
India |
1042-1046 |
266 |
Tracking Human Object with Motion,Temperature and Heart Beat
-Akila K ; Dr.S.Chitrakala; Mr.N.Nandhakumar
Human Motion can be detected by measuring change in speed or vector of it in the field of view. Also the temperature and heartbeat of the human (target object) promotes more applications. The tracking architecture and dataset processing cannot perform the expected outcomes due to the limitations of data association (temperature and heart beat).A collaborative grouping of datasets is done using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Hereby, the proposal discloses the motion tracking relationship among the different datasets using MC-IMME algorithm which is an improvement over the existing IMME algorithm. The efficient target estimation to employ a tracking relationship within a cluster is achieved using GMM and expectation-maximization algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science an Engnieering |
India |
1047-1050 |
267 |
Optimization the Parameters of SS 202 on Vertical Milling Machine
-Vikas Dhiman ; Deepak Gupta
In the last few years the development of new materials show deep growth but the major problem is its machining. So it is necessary adopt new machining methods. Face milling is very common method for finishing of new materials and machined materials. For increasing productivity, it is necessary that machining should be optimized to get maximum profit. In the optimization of milling, process parameters are (spindle speed, tool feed and depth of cut) affects the output (Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness).The present work is aimed at developing an efficient method for determination of best combination of these machine process parameters which could maximize the material removal rate and minimize the surface roughness. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1051-1055 |
268 |
Electronic Micro Banking System for Remote and Rural Areas Using Arm Processor
-Deepa. T ; G.Sathishkumar
Today, banks have realized that their next huge customer base is not in the urban setting but in the often-neglected rural areas. Infrastructure of rural areas is not as rich as urban counterparts. Reaching the people in rural areas is not so easy compared to urban areas. To create a secured handheld doorstep banking system, it is a mobile banking system which is used to provide much secured and easy of banking service for the people from rural areas and remote villages. The transaction simply cannot be done by inserting card and PIN number, it also requires fingerprint identification and OTP for every transaction to improve more secure. Once this kind of systems is launched by banks, the customer can have easy banking services with the bank where the customer is member. This system is used as banking machine with connected to banking server which is carried by the banking person who is authorized by the respective bank. Also the money transferring can be done by the same banking person. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1056-1060 |
269 |
Comparative Analysis of Top-down & Bottom-up Approach (Apriori Algorithm)
-Mr. Gaurav Pandey ; Er. N.K. Gupta; Er. Mohit Paul
Tremendous amount of data being collected is increasing speedily by computerized applications around the world. Hidden in the vast data, the valuable information is attracting researchers of multiple disciplines to study effective approaches to derive useful knowledge from within. Among various data mining objectives, the mining of frequent patterns has been the focus of knowledge discovery in databases. This thesis aims to investigate efficient algorithm for mining including association rules and sequential patterns. Many algorithms have been proposed from last many decades including horizontal layout based techniques, vertical layout based techniques, and projected layout based techniques. But most of the techniques suffer from repeated database scan, Candidate generation (Apriori Algorithms), memory consumption problem and many more for mining frequent patterns. As in retailer industry many transactional databases contain same set of transactions many times, to apply this thought, in this thesis present an improved Apriori algorithm that guarantee the better performance than classical Apriori algorithm. Read More...
India |
1061-1065 |
270 |
Steganography and Cryptography Based Online Payment Processing System
-Sachin Vasant Khochare ; Nitish Ambewale; Atul Pandey; Sudhir Kadam
In todays world there is rapid growth of E-Commerce in Market.many people can give more preference to online shopping. In online payment processing system there is many chance of credit card or debit card fraud. Hacker can hack personal as well as account related information can hack and misuse of information such as create a fake online account and transfer a money from current account to fake account.Increasing popularity of online shopping Debit or Credit card fraud and personal information security concerns for customers and merchants specifically when card is not present, our analysis presents limited information only that is necessary for fund transfer during online shopping.This paper presents a new approach for online payment system in shopping where only minimum amount of information can send during fund transferring and safeguarding customer data,increasing customer confidence to online payment while shopping.In proposed system use new method like Text Based Steganography and Visual Cryptography to hide and secure account related information during online shopping. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
1066-1069 |
271 |
Drive Adaptor Failure Analysis of Hydraulic Torque Wrench Tool - A Review
-Sumit N. Karanjekar ; V. N. Bhaiswar
This paper explains the failure analysis of drive adaptor of hydraulic torque wrench tool used in Minar Hydro System Pvt. Ltd. situated to nearby MIDC. This project work states how the failure taken place and what are the preventive actions to be taken to avoid failure .In this work the CAD model is prepared using Creo software. And the failure analysis is conducted using Ansys software and further preventive action carried out by proper heat treatment process. In this paper the essential factors required for failure analysis of drive adaptor of hydraulic torque wrench are taken into consideration and discussed in brief. This failure of drive adaptor is taken place due to twisting force acting on the end area of drive adaptor during testing of this tool. The Hydraulic torque wrench tools are designed in such a way that it can handle the strong and toughest bolting jobs and machine structure accurately, precisely and quickly as per requirement. Drive adaptor assembled with hydraulic torque wrench tool enabling the operator to quickly switch and operate from tightening to loosening applications using hydraulic power pack system which supplies pressure of about 700 bars. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1070-1072 |
272 |
A Review on Speech Recognition
-Pappu Mandal ; Ajay Pal; Christi DSouza; Shiwani Gupta
Speech recognition is the new emerging technology in the field of computer and artificial intelligence. It has changed the way we communicate with computer and other intelligent devices of same calibre like smart phones. This paper gives an overview of major technological perspective and appreciation of the fundamental progress of speech recognition and also gives overview technique developed in each stage of speech recognition. This paper is concludes with the decision on feature direction for developing technique in human computer interface system. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
1073-1075 |
273 |
Design and Analysis of Multilayer High Pressure Vessel
-Tarun Mandalapu ; Ravi Krishnamoorthy. S
The cylindrical vessels are used for storing fluids at high pressure. In cylinder the stress distribution is not uniform. Distribution of stress in the juncture area and the rest will differ vessel cause a geometric discontinuity of the vessel wall. So a stress concentration is created around the opening. The junction may fail due to these high stresses. Hence a detailed analysis is required to determine the stress distribution along the junction. Using the ASME formulae the discontinuity forces and moments are determined from which displacements and stresses are found out for individual as well as whole juncture. The stresses developed in pressure vessel is analyzed by using ANSYS. As a thick cylinder storing fluid with large internal pressure has second order non-linear variation in the hoop stress across the wall. For more uniform hoop stress distribution, compound cylinders are formed by shrinkage process where outer cylinder is heated until it will slide freely over inner cylinder thus exerting the required shrinkage pressure on cooling. Using the calculated shrinkage pressures between two contacting cylinders, it is possible to reduce the hoop stress and make it more or less uniform over the thickness. The methodology for minimization of volume of shrink-fitted three layer compound cylinder and to get equal maximum hoop stresses in all the cylinders. The analytical results are validated in comparison with FEM in ANSYS Workbench. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1076-1083 |
274 |
Password Security Based on CaRP using Hard AI Problem
-Darekar Kishor ; Sonawane Navin; Shivale Kiran; Thakur R. B.
Usable security has unique usability challenges because the need for security often means that standard human-computer-interaction approaches cannot be directly applied. An important usability goal for authentication systems is to support users in selecting better passwords. Users often create memorable passwords that are easy for attackers to guess, but strong system-assigned passwords are difficult for users to remember. So researchers of modern days have gone for alternative methods wherein graphical pictures are used as passwords. Graphical passwords essentially use images or representation of images as passwords. Human brain is good in remembering picture than textual character. There are various graphical password schemes or graphical password software in the market. However, very little research has been done to analyse graphical passwords that are still immature. There for, this project work merges persuasive cued click points and password guessing resistant protocol. The major goal of this work is to reduce the guessing attacks as well as encouraging users to select more random, and difficult passwords to guess. Well known security threats like brute force attacks and dictionary attacks can be successfully abolished using this method. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1084-1087 |
275 |
CBIR over HADOOP Map Reduce
-Hinge Smita ; Gaikwad Monika; Chincholkar Shraddha; Prof. Ajay K. Gupta
The development of internet causes the explosive growth of images. It is not possible to handle that amount of images using the conventional method. So there is a need for new method that can handle a huge amount of data and provides the more accurate results to the user. Therefore, we are introducing a new method for retrieving image called as “Content Based Image Retrieval Using Hadoop Map reduceâ€. The main objective of this is to handle a huge amount of data with the principle of parallel processing. Read More...
India |
1088-1089 |
276 |
Attacks on Biometric Systems: An Overview
-Rubal Jain ; Dr. Chander Kant
Biometrics is a pattern recognition system that refers to the use of different physiological (face, fingerprints, etc.) and behavioral (voice, gait etc.) traits for identification and verification purposes. A biometrics-based personal authentication system has numerous advantages over traditional systems such as token-based (e.g., ID cards) or knowledge-based (e.g., password) but they are at the risk of attacks. This paper presents a literature review of attack system architecture and makes progress towards various attack points in biometric system. These attacks may compromise the template resulting in reducing the security of the system and motivates to study existing biometric template protection techniques to resist these attacks. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1090-1094 |
277 |
Shamir Secret Sharing Method for Authentication of Colored Document Image with Self Repair Capability
-Pradnya Kadam ; Poonam Yadav; Nishigandha Khandagale
In this paper we proposed a new authentication method which is based on secret sharing technique with self repair capability. In this paper, we take color image then each block of that image genarate the authentication signal. Then we apply the Shamir secret sharing method. In that method each block of image are transfered into several shares. Then we apply alpha channel plane for PNG image formation. After that that PNG image is encrypted using chaotic logistic map and forms the stego image. This stego image is received by the receiver. If the image is tampered then we used the Reverse Shamir secret algorithm and repair that tampered image and get the original image. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1095-1098 |
278 |
Intelligent Script Editor: An Interactive Parallel Programming Tool
-Ms.Susmita Madhukar Abhang ; Ms.Kajal Shinde; Mr.Tejas Rathi; Ms. Shevade Chinamayee; Prof. B.A.Jadhawar
Intelligent Script Editor (ISE) is an application which provides facilities to programmer for software development such as code completing and fixing, source code editing and management, login facility, responsive etc. ISE is a browser based programming tool for programmer. ISE environment provides editing in multiple languages like C#, C, C++, Python, Pig Script, SQL, Java script, HTML, PHP etc. User can edit, write, save, share and print their code on server. Users need not to spend their time for finding and installing an IDE for different languages. User can use IDE in any device like PC, tablet and mobile devices which has browser with internet connection. Intelligence Script Editor can be used in low configuration systems also. User has to login to access his personal account by filling his unique Email id and password which maintain security. Code can be saved to server and local disk too. This storage can be accessed by anyone. Read More...
computer science & engineering |
India |
1099-1103 |
279 |
Multi-Color Technique and Session Key Method To Prevent Shoulder Surfing Attacks In Secure Transactions
-M R Divya ; A.P.Janani
To improve security of the various devices, the graphical password is memorable authentication method for authorization. But when a Personal Identification Number (PIN) entered as a numeric password in mobile or stationary systems, the Shoulder Surfing Attack (SSA) becomes great concern. To prevent SSA and to establish a secure transaction, The Multi color Technique and The Session key mechanism is proposed. In Multi color method, every numeric key is visually split into two halves and each half filled with two distinct colors simultaneously; So there exist four color groups on the numeric keypad and two colors for every numeric key. Session key mechanism constructed based on the basic layout of vertical array of digits from 0 to 9 with another array of ten familiar Symbols. This method make harder for a criminal to obtain PINs even if the iteration are fully observes the entire input of a PIN entry procedure. For Secure transaction, A One Way Hash is generated to Validated PIN and is sent to Server in public channel so that an active attacker cannot extract the PIN by monitoring the channel. Once Server Authenticated the PIN, Quick Response for the Mobile App will be redirect the user to the Services. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1104-1109 |
280 |
Analysis of Effect of Self Phase Modulation in Wavelength Division Multiplexing System
-Narendra Singh Yadav ; B.R. Dutta; Deepak Kumar
This paper is showing the non-linear effect i.e. self-phase modulation in WDM system. Nonlinear effects in optical fibers are recent area of academic research in the optical fiber based WDM system. Here we will simulate the result for optical fiber of length 1000kms.We will analyze the result as Quality Factor, Bit Error Rate at different values of dispersion. We will vary the optical dispersion from -5ps/ns/km to 5ps/nm/km and we will see the result through eye diagrams. We will also plot the graphs for different value of Quality Factors and Bit Error Rate. The result is analyzed using OPTSIM simulation software. In WDM optical system operating at a very high rates (beyond 10 Gbps), nonlinearity such as SPM, XPM, FWM play a significant role. These nonlinear effects can be counteracting through proper system design. Read More...
India |
1110-1113 |
281 |
A New SLM Scheme with Clipping For PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems
-Patel Chinkalkumar B
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has become the most widely adopted technology in wireless communication systems. Usage of OFDM is limited mainly by its high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). Selected mapping (SLM) is well-known technique for peak-power reduction in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). Proposed technique is modified SLM scheme. SLM is applied for peak to average power ratio (PAPR) reduction in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The output of modified technique is clipped at transmitter end and the out grown clipped signal is also passed through channel with original clipped signal and then they are added for further processing at receiver end. PAPR reduction is achieved with reasonably good BER with this hybrid technology. Read More...
Electonics and communication |
India |
1114-1117 |
282 |
Design and Fabrication of Manually Operated TOE-In Mechanism
-Prof. D.B.Meshram ; Pravin Hadke; Pratik Kirtane; Prayag Burad; Shubham Chitmalwar
Wheels are an important component of a motorcycle .Tires is a ring shaped component that covers the wheels rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance. Maintaining them is very important. Tires of the motorcycle often get punctured, and we are left with some problems. To tackle these problems we have come up with a mechanism. In this mechanism we have provided additional wheels of comparatively smaller diameter and thickness. Whenever a tire punctures we are left with a flat tire, so in this situation our mechanism comes in effect. The motorcycle is put on a main stand with some clearance on the front end of the wheel. The two additional wheels come on the ground and support the vehicle in front. Now the front punctured tyre is above the ground. To move the vehicle power is supplied from the rear wheel thus driving the front supporting wheels. Read More...
India |
1118-1121 |
283 |
A Survey of Mining of Complex Data Using Combined Mining Approach
-Aniket A. Yadav ; Prof. Pranav Pawar
Combined mining as a general approach to mining for informative patterns which combine elements from either multiple information sets method or multiple options or by multiple ways on demand. It is a general methodology for directly distinctive patterns which introduce constituents from multiple sources or with heterogeneous options like covering enumeration, performance, and business money. In certain situations, a single method or one-step mining is often limited in discovering informative knowledge. It is crucial to develop effective approaches for mining patterns combining necessary information from multiple compatible business lines, provisioning line of work for real business settings and decision-making actions rather than just providing a single line of patterns. The recent years have seen increasing efforts on mining more instructive patterns, e.g. combining frequent pattern mining with classifications to generate frequent pattern-based classifiers. Rather than extending a specific algorithm, this paper builds our existing works and proposes combined mining as a general approach to mining for informative patterns combining components from either multiple data sets or multiple features or by multiple methods on demand. We summarize extensive frameworks, paradigms, and basic processes for multifeature combined mining, multisource combined mining, and multimethod combined mining. Different types of combined patterns, It can be such as incremental cluster patterns, can result from such frameworks, which cannot be directly produced by the existing methods. A set of real-world case studies has been conducted to test the frameworks, with some of them briefed in this paper. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1122-1127 |
284 |
Magnetic Refrigeration
-Shaikh Mohammed Aslam ; Ansari Fahimuddin Mumtaz ; Shaikh Abu Zaid; Prof. Shakil Tadvi
Modern society largely depends on readily available refrigeration methods. Up till now, the conventional vapor compression refrigerators have been mainly used for refrigeration applications. Nonetheless, the conventional refrigerators – based on gas compression and expansion – are not very efficient because the refrigeration accounts for 25% of residential and 15% of commercial power consumption due to the use of high power consuming compressors. Moreover, Conventional Refrigerators utilize ozone depleting refrigerants like Freon which release CFCs, which have a detrimental effect on our environment. This motivated us to design and fabricate a model that produces a refrigeration effect utilizing a green technology, namely Magnetic refrigeration which is a novel concept that incorporates the principle of the magneto-caloric effect and can act as a substitute for the conventional refrigerating systems. The elimination of compressors considerably reduces the power consumption and makes refrigeration a noiseless process, while the elimination of Freon makes it an environmentally friendly refrigerating technique. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1128-1129 |
285 |
Effect of Different Substrates on Micro Strip Patch Antenna
-Huzaifa Khan ; Aamir Ansari; Ebaad Chowdhry; Awij Alam Shaikh; Abdul Sayeed
Micro strip antennas are planar resonant cavities that leak from their edges and radiate. Printed circuit techniques can be used to etch the antennas on soft substrates to produce low-cost and repeatable antennas in a low profile. The antennas fabricated on compliant substrates withstand tremendous shock and vibration environments. Manufacturers for mobile communication base stations often fabricate these antennas directly in sheet metal and mount them on dielectric posts or foam in a variety of ways to eliminate the cost of substrates and etching. This also eliminates the problem of radiation from surface waves excited in a thick dielectric substrate used to increase bandwidth. A Micro strip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side. In this work we are simulating Microstrip patch antenna using three different substrates. The designing has been done in IE3D software which is an EM solver and works on the principle of moments of method. Our main aim is to comparatively study different parameters of antenna such as Return Loss, Bandwidth, Gain, and Directivity & VSWR. Read More...
Electromagnetic Engineering |
India |
1130-1132 |
286 |
PMSE: Based On Ontology for Android
-Bhagat Priyanka Vasantrao ; Shinde Kishor Sankar; Waghmare Monika; Tamboli Suraj ; Sayyad Gulammustafa G
A large problem of a going web search is that search queries are remarkable little as well as unclear and not sufficient for specifying the just user requirement .the aim of personalized mobile search engine is that catch the user’s first choice and liking in the kind of general idea by mining user’s click through data .PMSE divided into two concept, first content concept and location concept. The preferences of user’s are started in an based on ontology, multifaceted profile to accurate carry the user’s content and location interests therefor better the search precision. Finding the location with help of GPS .GPS location show the result and it helpful to better recover effectiveness. The platform of PMSE model on the Google Android platform. Insert the entropies to equivalence the weight between the content and location concept. The work of client to collect the click through data and it heap to keep safe secrecy. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1133-1136 |
287 |
Effect of Magnesium Chloride on the Habit Modification of Spectral, Thermal and Nonlinear Properties in KDP Crystals
-S.Kumararaman ; T.Thaila; I.Cicili Ignatius; T.Raja
The additive of magnesium chloride with potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate (KDP) modifies some of its spectral, thermal, hardness, linear and nonlinear properties. The nonlinear optical single crystal of pure and magnesium chloride added KDP was grown by slow evaporation method. Single crystal X-ray diffraction study shows that it belongs to tetragonal system. FTIR spectral analysis was carried out on the material to validate the presence of functional groups. UV visible spectra was recorded for the samples to analyze the transparency in visible and near Infrared (NIR) region. Atomic absorption study reveals the presence of additives in the crystal. The thermal stability has been analyzed by using TG/DTA studies. The Microhardness analysis of the grown crystals was studied. Its nonlinear optical property was tested by using Kurtz powder method and found to have better SHG efficiency than that of potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate (KDP). Read More...
Engineering Physics |
India |
1137-1141 |
288 |
Crack Detecting Robot for Railway Tracks
-Prof.Miss.Renke P.S ; Miss.Mandve Punam D.; Miss.Bandal Jyoti S; Miss.Shinde Snehal K
In the Indian economy the major share is contributed by the transport railway network. So, problems of crack detection in railway network when encountered may be dealt with a robust and cost effective solution, else, there may be a small decrease in the nation’s economy. Most of the accidents in the train are caused due to cracks in the railway tracks, which are hard to identify. And more time is required for this purpose; therefore we have implemented a crack detecting robot, which identifies the cracks and gives an alarm. In this paper we have tried to give an exact solution by the technical details and design aspects. The project consists of microcontroller and IR-photo diode assembly based crack detector robot. Read More...
Electronics and telecommunication |
India |
1142-1144 |
289 |
PFC In Real Time Environment Using NCA with Converter (Z)
-A.Sangeetha ; K.S.Sridhar; L.umasankar; N.Kalaiarasi; N.Hariharan
A zeta converter eliminates many of the limitations in the previous version of DC-DC converters like sepic, buck and buck-boost converters. But due to its open loop operation there is discontinuity in the output current whenever there is variation in the load. Due to this discontinuous conduction, power factor is affected at the input supply and hence high RMS values of the currents causes high levels of stress in the semiconductors. Our proposed work increases the power factor near to unity using novel control algorithm. Novel control algorithm(NCA) is a technique in which power factor is corrected using parameters available at the input and the output side of the converter. This technique does not require any separate circuit for power factor correction and it is implemented using a microcontroller. Read More...
India |
1145-1149 |
290 |
An Introduction to Multimodal Biometric System:An Overview
-Mamta Ahlawat ; Dr. Chander Kant
Multimodal biometric system uses more than one biometric trait for authentication to individual. Unimodal biometric system uses a single biometric trait (fingerprint, face, hand geometry, iris, retina, voice, gait, signature etc.) for authentication (either verification or identification) of user. Unimodal biometric system have some limitations like noise in sensed data, intra-class variation, inter-class variations, distinctiveness, spoof attacks etc. So unimodal biometric system is less secure and less reliable. Some of limitations imposed by unimodal biometric system can be overcome by including multiple traits of individuals. Such systems, known as multimodal biometric system, are more reliable and securable due to presence of multiple traits. This paper represents a brief introduction of multimodal biometric system. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1150-1154 |
291 |
Liveness Detection: An Overview
-Sonal Girdhar ; Dr. Chander Kant
Biometric system provides a mechanism to identify or verify every individual on the basis of their biometric traits. As every system is prone to attack by intruders so this system can also be breached by an imposter by gaining access to the personalized data of a legitimate user and getting unauthorised access. The biometric system needs to become more secure by using different techniques and one such technique is liveness detection. Liveness Detection can be used to detect whether the input is being given by a live user or some imposter is providing non-live or fake data. This paper presents a brief overview about some techniques which can be used to detect liveness in the different input samples being presented. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1155-1160 |
292 |
A Review on Design and Analysis of Hoisting Machinery in EOT Crane
-Kanjariya Dhavalkumar Harsukhlal
In today’s modern era, crane is very important material handling equipment in industry because of safety reliability, fast speed, economy etc. There are several components used for hoisting mechanism in EOT crane. In this review paper, discussed about various parts of hoisting mechanism. Carried out design calculation of various parts and analysed it for structural or functional aspect. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1161-1164 |
293 |
Enhancing System Lifetime Using Reliable Mac and Routing Over WSNS
-Gurpreet Singh
In the current decade, the areas of sensor design, information technologies, and wireless networks have paved the way for the proliferation of wireless sensor networks. These networks have the potential to provide practical usefulness in developing a large number of applications, including the protection of civil infrastructures, habitat monitoring, health care etc. However, the design of wireless sensor networks introduces formidable challenges. Energy is a scarce resource in the network. However, minimizing energy consumption does not neither necessarily prolong the network's lifetime, nor does it ultimately supports the QoS constraints imposed by the specific applications. The unique characteristics and constraint present many new challenges to the design and implementation of WSNs such as energy conservation, efficient data dissemination and fault tolerance. There are plenty of MAC and routing protocols available for wireless sensor networks. Efficient data dissemination is big challenges for WSNs. Directed diffusion protocol rectifies many problems of efficient data dissemination; reducing the energy consumption of WSNs nodes, robust communication thus increasing the overall network lifetime. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of data dissemination routing protocols under sensor MAC by which we can find out reduction in energy consumption through simulation studies. Read More...
computer science |
India |
1165-1170 |
294 |
Real Application of Three Phase Water Pump Control and Level Sensing using GSM and Mobile
-Sagar T M ; Madhu Prasad. N; Sahana S; Farheentaj Choudhari
Now a day’s technology is running with time, it completely occupied the life style of human beings. Even though there is such an importance for technology in our routine life there are even people whose life styles are very far to this well-known term technology. So it is our responsibility to design few reliable systems which can be even efficiently used by them. This basic idea gave birth to the project GSM based irrigation water pump controller for Illiterates and this project aims in providing a user friendly, reliable and automated water pumping system for illiterates. Here the automation process is done through the wireless GSM technology and the user need not require any knowledge about the operation of the GSM mobile. For the efficient usage of the device the end user should know the basic switch operation which is more than sufficient to use the device efficiently. The microcontroller form the heart of the device and there are also mobile and GSM modem which are meant for exchanging the commands from one end to the other end. The GSM modem present at motor end is interfaced with micro controller. The mobile is used as an operating device which sends commands to GSM which sends command to controller; the controller performs the equivalent action with respect to the commands received. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1171-1177 |
295 |
Clustering of Emails
-Sangeeta Maharana ; Minal Mohite; Pornima Wadekar; Prof S.Pratap Singh
The abstract Email Clustering is a technique of clustering group of emails together and to form a specific labels which will define the meaning of the mails in it. Email plays a vital role in our day to day life. Human beings can never be satisfied. The hunger never ends. Due to this, in every sector, the advancement in technology never stops. We use emails daily for our official work, personal work etc. to make email system easier, labels and clusters are generated. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1178-1181 |
296 |
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images using RC4 Algorithm
-Ganesh Satras ; Shahid Pathan; Ajit Gaikwad; Vivek Bhosale
The methods proposed can be summarized as the framework, “vacating room after encryption (VRAE)â€. In this framework, a content owner encrypts the image using a standard cipher with an encryption key. After producing the encrypted image, the content owner hands over it to a data hider and the data hider can embed some auxiliary data into the encrypted image by lossless vacating some room according to a data hiding key. Then a receiver, maybe the content owner himself or an authorized third party can extract the embedded data with the data hiding key and further recover the original image from the encrypted version according to the encryption key. With regard to providing confidentiality for images, encryption is an effective and popular means as it converts the original and meaningful content to incomprehensible one. Although few RDH techniques in encrypted images have been published yet, there are some promising applications if RDH can be applied to encrypted images. Read More...
India |
1182-1186 |
297 |
Analysis of Productivity Improvement and Safety Measures by Using Six-Sigma Technique
-Sandip K. Tikale ; Pankaj R. Gajbhiye; Bhupesh D. Sarode; Rahul D. Borghare; Gaurao G. Hedaoo
In this paper an analysis is made of the relation between the general and specific topics of management and the six-sigma approach. a typical process of quality improvement has six phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control and Technology Transfer. DMAIC (T) is a well-known and highly utilized process for design for six-sigma. Product design is a process of creating new product by an organization or business entity for its customer. Six-sigma utilizes quality tools in the design process in order to avoid future problem in the product. The six-sigma methodology was applied through the implementation of DMAIC. The analysis of the problem an identification of areas for improvement was carried out developing different tools. Six-sigma provides an effective mechanism to focus on customer requirements through improvement of process quality. Six-sigma projects are being carried out with the objective of improving on time delivery, product quality and in-process quality. Six-sigma must after how people actually behave at work and, to this end, various behavioral and work process are key to achieving these aspirations. Implications are discussed with regard to performance management processes in organizations. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1187-1189 |
298 |
DC Current Mode Control of Forward DC to DC Converter
-K.H.Sivanand ; M.Savitha; K.Gopinath
The purpose of this project is to implement MOSFET based high precision low size prototype DC-DC converter for battery charging applications. Because of the disadvantages of linear power supplies, now most of the power supplies are replaced by switching mode power supplies (SMPS). In linear power supplies, a low-frequency (60-Hz) transformer is required. Such transformers are large in size and weight compared to high-frequency transformers. The transistor operates in its active region, incurring a significant amount of power loss. Therefore, the overall efficiencies of linear power supplies are usually in a range of 30-60%. Any SMPS basic requirements are Isolation between the source & the load, High-power density for reduction of size and weight, Controlled direction of power flow, High conversion efficiency, Input & output wave forms with a low harmonic distortion for small filters and Controlled power factor (PF) if the source is AC Voltage. The implementation of 400V dc to 108V dc converter using forward converter will fulfill the above requirements. The main advantage for selecting this topology is used for medium power applications, high switch utilization and number of switching devices is less. In this project current mode control is used in order to get the faster response, the switching frequency is high to get reduce the transformer core size and the harmonic components is reduced. The voltage spike across the switch is proportional to the switching frequency as well as the leakage inductance. By using of the snubber circuit voltage spike across the switch is reduced. The main objective of this project is to control the current and the voltage using current mode controller. The implementation of 400V dc to 108V dc converter using forward converter includes current mode controller UC3844. This will control the gating pulses to the MOSFET at the 65 KHz switching frequency in order to get the regulated output and the input current. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1190-1195 |
299 |
Outlier Detection in Cancer Infected Cells by Random Forest Approach and Distance-Based Outliers
-S. Mohamad Haja Sherif ; C.Imthyaz Sheriff
In the recent past, large scale databases and files have grown beyond the capabilities and capacities of commercial database management systems. Parallel processing is very much essential to process a massive volume of data in a timely manner. Field of healthcare and medical industry is always in need for newer ways of analysing and making senses of the data available with them. Cancer related data analytics is always pushing it frontiers in deploying effective and efficient ways of analysing cancer related data. This paper deals with usage of random forest approach and distance based outlier’s detection for cancer detection in large datasets Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
1196-1199 |
300 |
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study and Analytical Verification of Change in Various Parameters of Fluid during Its Flow through Pipes
-Santosh S. Basangar ; Prof. Sohail Baux; Prof.Amitesh Pal
In the Industry it is very important to know the power required to operate an actuator. In order to optimize this power requirement one should have an accurate knowledge of the fluid parameters in the system. Knowledge of properties of fluid at significant points in the system enables one to consciously avoid overdesigning of system components. For instance whenever fluid is supplied to a system through pipes, a pressure drop occurs. To ensure that this pressure drop does not affect system parameters the industry often supplies an excess pressure to the system and the remaining is throttled at the destination. This results in power loss. This project aims at finding out the exact requirement of pressure that must be supplied at the inlet to a particular application used in industry. For this i will be finding out the pressure drop occurring while the fluid is flowing through pipes through computational fluid dynamics and analytically. This project aims to provide the industry with a standard database for ready future reference. Using this reference the industry can optimize the power requirement at the input to minimize wastage. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1200-1202 |