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451 |
Undesirable Zone 3 Operation During Power Swing
-Bhumit N Vyas ; Bharat Fultariya
The distance relay is widely used in power protection system, especially in the transmission line in order to measure the distance of line protection, and to determine the fault within the protected line. Mostly Power swing is caused by the large disturbances, and it causes wrong operation of the distance relay, and also undesired tripping of the circuit breaker. In order to prevent mal-operation of distance relay during a power swing, so the main objective of this analysis for discrimination of faults and power swing in the system network to avoid the cascading outage and power system instability. The power system network and their schemes with their associated controllers are modeled using PSCAD/EMTDC software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1828-1830 |
452 |
Design of Badminton Playing Robot
-Saakshi Jain ; Abhijeet Berad; Sushama Agrawal
The main goal of this project is to develop two robots which play badminton. In the design of the robot, the Arduino mega controller along with the USB host shield to support the PS3 controller which is controlling the robots is introduced. Bluetooth wireless technology is used to control the movement of one robot and the other is wired. Joystick controls on PS3 are used to control the speed of the motors. The Bluetooth dongle used to interface the PS3 is of Version 4.0. The pneumatic valve and cylinders are used to give stroke to the shuttle so that it can go a long way. Omni wheels are used to reduce the time required for turning. This paper explains the design, the overall interfacing and working of the robot. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1831-1834 |
453 |
Investigation of Effects of Process Parameters Variation on Surface Topology of Aisi 316 in Milling by FEA.
-Raval Jay A
AISI 316 are being widely used in industry it has been initially designed for paper mill machinery. However, AISI 316 are considered very difficult to machine material due to tendency to work harden. These result in reducing tool life and tool performance. Although in the past, many studies had been carried out to predict the tool performance during machining, the effect of process parameters is taken in this research to influence of below mention parameter when AISI 316, machining trials will be performed on milling machine. Cutting conditions will be selected using design of experiment and analysis by Finite element analysis. . The main objective of industries reveal with producing better quality product at minimum cost and increase productivity. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1835-1838 |
454 |
2D Converter Combining KY and Buck Converter
-Rajeshwari Y Baraddi ; Sudhakar Rao.P
As generally recognized,many applications require voltage bucking/boosting converters,such as portable devices,so a buck-boost converter with a positive voltage is presented.It combines KY converter and traditional synchronously rectified(SR)buck converter.So the problem in voltage bucking of the KY converter can be solved.It has nonpulsating output current,as it operates in continuous conduction mode and it decreases the current stress on the output capacitor and reduces the output voltage ripple.It has no right-half plane zero which means same 20dB/decade gain magnitude as a conventional(left half plane) but with 90¬ phase lag instead of lead and use the same power switches,which causes the circuit to be compact and the cost will be less.During magnetization period,the input voltage of the KY converter comes from the input voltage source and during demagnetization period,the input voltage of the KY converter comes from the output voltage of the SR buck converter Read More...
India |
1839-1842 |
455 |
Fly Ash and Silica Fume As Partial Replacement with Cement
-Prof.Nadeem pasha ; Mohammed Muqueem Ahmed; Mohammed Azeemuddin; Shaikh Minhajuddin; Waseem Ali
During the last three decades, great strides have been taken in improving the performance of concrete as a construction material. Fly Ash and Silica Fume are indispensable in production of high strength concrete for practical application. The use of fly ash and silica fume as a pozzolana has increased worldwide attention over the recent years because when properly used as certain percent, they can enhance various properties of concrete both in the fresh as well as in hardened states like cohesiveness, strength, permeability and durability. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1843-1845 |
456 |
Active Power Filter using P-Q Theory
-Sagar Andipara ; Dinesh Chabhadiya; Nirav Tolia
A Three phase Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) is use to compensate the harmonic produce by the nonlinear load. The very important part of the Shunt Active Power Filter is generating the gate signal for the voltage source inverter (VSI). In this work Hysteresis current control techniques is use. The reference harmonic component extraction is based on the instantaneous active and reactive power theory (P-Q theory) in time domain. The active power filter is able to improve the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for the distorted line current caused by uncontrolled rectifier (nonlinear load) and meet IEEE 519 standard recommendations on harmonic level. Matlab / Simulink is used as a simulation tool for the research. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1846-1850 |
457 |
Multilayer Hierarchical Clustering of Sensor Nodes used in WSN
-Nandini S P ; Lohith B N
In a wireless sensor network, it is necessary to have control over the network topology to increase the lifetime and scalability. The aim of the project is to create a multi-layer structured wireless sensor network to enhance the lifetime and scalability of the same. The architecture is based on hierarchical clustering. The architecture is for homogeneous wireless sensor network. A cluster is fixed for each layer and the information or data of that entire layer is aggregated to the cluster head and then to the cluster head of the next layer and so on if there are other layers and finally to the base station. Cluster head is determined by the weight of the sensor node using the number of the neighboring nodes and the distance from the base station. The comparison of result with other hierarchical based existing protocol like LEACH and SEP can also be done with the proposed protocol. Read More...
India |
1851-1855 |
458 |
Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Energy Consumption in MANET using EEDSR
-Mohamed Sharifdeen M ; S.Russia
In this paper considers energy constrained routing protocols and Energy Consumption techniques for improving MANET routing protocols and energy efficiency. Given a new routing protocol that EEDSR (Energy Efficient Dynamic Source Routing) technique to the MANET routing protocols with node caching enhancement. Also, show new application of energy efficiency metrics to MANET routing protocols for energy efficiency evaluation of the protocols with limited power supply. Main protocol of existing system is EPAR and it many network metrics (EPAR, DSR) used for different purpose. But still this system not yet enough improvement in performance. Because of these drawbacks may propose system aims to implement the Energy Efficient Dynamic Source Routing (EEDSR) protocol. Main contribution of this system is an EEDSR this protocol, satisfying less energy consumption from the viewpoints of nodes and networks. Its protocol must be able to handle high mobility of the nodes that often cause changes in the network topology. In this scheme reduces the total energy consumption and decreases the mean delay, especially for high load networks, while achieving a good packet delivery ratio. Read More...
India |
1856-1860 |
459 |
Failure Analysis and Optimization of Excavator Arm - A Review
-Shilpa D. Chumbale ; Prasad P. Mahajan
For light duty construction work, generally mini hydraulic backhoe excavators are used and mostly there are soil surfaces for excavation. So, design of backhoe excavator is critical task in context of digging force developed through actuators during the digging operation. The important criteria for the design to be safe is that, the digging forces developed by actuators must be greater than that of the resistive forces offered by the surface to be excavated. The two important factors considered during designing an excavator arm are productivity and fuel consumption. As the present mechanism used in excavator arm is subjected to crushing and bending stresses during lifting and digging operation respectively, because of which failure occurs frequently at the bucket end of the arm. So, the new mechanism of excavator arm is designed and the Pro-e software is used for making the 3D model of the excavator arm linkage. By using ANSYS workbench software static analysis of each of the excavator arm component is done at existing digging force and also at newly calculated digging force. Also the bucket volume is increased to compensate for the loss in production due to the reduction in digging force. Increased in bucket volume will also increase the amount material to be fed in the bucket. So, dynamic analysis is also done by applying the force acting when the bucket is fully filled with material. The comparison of proposed model with the existing model is done. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1861-1863 |
460 |
Assessing the Impact of Waste Management and Effective Reutilization in Construction Industry
-Rejo Moncy.P ; Dr.S.Anandakumar; Dr.V.Krishnamoorthy
The purpose of the study is to investigate the waste assessment and effective reutilization in construction industry. The researchers used interview schedule method for collecting data from the respondent. The study was conducted during the period from October –2014 to march -2015 thrissur district, kerala. The study identifies ten antecedents of waste management, they are designing phase, construction phase, implementation difficulties, time and cost, modern trends, contract and training, management techniques, onsite measures, beneficiaries, support and responsibilities. Furthermore the study examines the relationship between various antecedents of waste management and design managers satisfaction, support and responsibilities.The study will help the policy makers in framing suitable policies with regard to utilization of construction waste for some other purpose. Read More...
Construction Engineering |
India |
1864-1871 |
461 |
Study on Assessment of Factors Improving Job site Productivity
-K.Nithya ; M.M.Saravanan
Construction productivity trends carry immense consequences for the economy as a whole. Job site Productivity is one of the most important factors affecting the overall performance of any organization whether large or small organization. The study assess the factors that affect job-site productivity in consideration on recruitment policy, types of training and factors that affect quality of workers and their contribution to the various organizations surveyed. This is done through the self-administration of structured questionnaires to elicit information from the respondents using convenience sampling method. Jobsite productivity is mainly concerned with the labour. The continuous productivity improvement process help the management to identify the productivity inhibitors affecting site labour in order to reduce or eliminate these issues, and to measure improvements. Job-site productivity is influenced by many factors such as labour related factors, management related factors, efficiency, project related factors, resource factors. Questionnaire was prepared for engineers, contractors and the survey has been carried out . Survey design will gives a quantitative description of phenomenon such as trends, attitudes, or opinion. From the collected data it is concluded that the project related factors (79%), labour related factors had a strong impact on improving productivity whereas the factors such as management related factors (67%), resource related factors (62%) and efficiency factors (48%) affects the growth of productivity. So these factors are to be improved to enhance the growth of productivity in construction. Read More...
Construction Engineering |
India |
1872-1875 |
462 |
Study on Properties of Fibre Reinforced Light Weight Aggregate Concrete
-R.kalpana ; P.S.Kothai
Lightweight concrete is commonly used in civil engineering field, especially as a filler material (or) for the manufacture of heat and sound insulating units. In most industrialised countries, lightweight concrete production is performed by using a highly mechanised processes based on different automation techniques. Various artificial and natural porous aggregates are generally used in these types of concrete. All the porous aggregates have their own characteristic properties, which markedly affect the properties of lightweight concrete. Among the lightweight concrete, pumice concrete was generally considered as being unsuitable for load bearing uses. Increasing utilization of lightweight materials in structural applications is making pumice stone a very popular raw material. The experimentations are designed by replacing the coarse aggregates by pumice aggregates in different percentage, such as 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% for M20 grade concrete. From this replacement, the optimum value is achieved at 30% and 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% of polyester (Recron 3s) fiber is added. The compressive strength, splitting tensile strength of concrete samples made with different fibers amounts varies from 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% were studied. The compressive strength, Spilt tensile strength and flexural strength of pumice concrete is seen to increase with the fiber content and reaches an optimum value. The samples with added Polyester fibers of 1% showed better results in comparison with the others. Read More...
Construction Engineering |
India |
1876-1879 |
463 |
Human Identification Using Vein and Texture Images
-R Nandhakumari ; S Rajkumar
The proposed framework procures the Finger-vein and low-determination finger impression pictures. The utility of low-determination unique mark pictures gained from an infrared is analyzed to determine the matching execution from such pictures. The vein and surface pictures are preprocessed independently. The characteristics of vein and texture are concentrated by Gabor filter. The characteristics extracted from finger vein pictures are now put away in a database. The characteristics of the texture picture are matched with all the concentrated veins in the database to check whether the information picture is matched with any of the concentrated veins. In the event that the given picture is matched with any of the concentrated veins, the message box will be opened and display’s "vein matched". On the off chance that the information picture is not matched with any of the concentrated veins, the message box will be opened and show "vein not matched". The same is going to rehash for texture images additionally. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
1880-1884 |
464 |
Generation of Electrical Power using Hybridization of Renewable Energy Sources
-Shashidhar Babu B ; Kiran M K
This paper presents practicality study of hybrid power system. Quick exhaustion of fossil fuel assets required research on option vitality sources. A wind sun powered mixture framework is a dependable option vitality source in light of the fact that it utilizes solar based vitality consolidated with wind vitality to make a stand alone vitality source that is both trustworthy vary, when utilized together they give a solid wellspring of vitality. The ideal arrangement is to consolidate these two types of vitality sources to make a consistent vitality stream. Primary goal of this paper is to study practicality of stand-alone solar -wind hybrid power framework and to boost utilization of renewable vitality era framework. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1885-1887 |
465 |
Rehabilitation of Movement Disorders Based On Non-Invasive DBS
-T. Surya Prabha ; C.Radhika; K.S.Tamil Selvan
Non-invasive Deep Brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective method for treating the movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia, etc. Currently there are many treatments available for treating movement disorders but it may cause many side effects such as memory loss, occurrence of stroke and nerve problems. To overcome those side effects and minimizing the neurosurgical intervention of human, a non-invasive method is proposed for stimulating the deep brain. In this technique, minimum number of nerves which are co-related with hands and legs has been identified for stimulating the deep brain by using dual tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT). By performing this segmentation process, the region affected by movement disorders are identified and the stimulation process is done by providing a force feed-back signal according to patient health in the form of non-invasive type with the help of physician. Read More...
India |
1888-1890 |
466 |
Parametric Study and Design Optimization of Centrifugal Blower
-Varun Parmar ; M.J.Zinzuvadia; V.H.Chaudhari
Blowers play an important role in various industries like air-conditioning systems, furnaces and dust or fume extraction systems. The aim of this literature survey is to investigate performance of blower which will useful in industry for saving resource or power or cost etc. For that centrifugal blower with backward inclined blade, both impeller and volute parameters are considered for CFD analysis. For that determining the performance effecting parameters for given centrifugal blower using literatures and from this selecting parameters and for doing DoE by Taguchi’s method. Carried out the CFD analysis for getting optimised parameter combination using prepared DoE models. This will provide optimised design of centrifugal blower. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1891-1893 |
467 |
CFD Simulation over a Passenger Car for Aerodynamic Drag Reduction
-Manigandan R
Numerical prediction of incompressible turbulent flow has been performed on a passenger car body moving with a velocity of 11.11 m/s (40 km/hr). CATIA, 3D modeling software was used to model 3D surface modeling of the car. FLUENT, the computational fluid dynamics code, which in-corporate k-ε turbulence model and segregated implicit solver was used to perform computation. The aerodynamic analysis was performed to study the flow behavior of the air over the car body. The analysis includes the contours of pressure and velocity that impacts the car body followed by an evaluation of the coefficient of lift and drag. In the present work, model of generic passenger car has been developed in CATIA and generated the wind tunnel and applied the boundary conditions in FLUENT platform then after testing and simulation has been performed for the evaluation of drag coefficient for passenger car. In another case, the aerodynamics of the most suitable design of tail plate is introduced and analyzed for the evaluation of drag coefficient for passenger car. The addition of tail plates results in a reduction of the drag-coefficient and lift coefficient in head-on wind. Rounding the edges partially reduces drag in head-on wind but does not bring about the significant improvements in the aerodynamic efficiency of the passenger car with tail plates, it can be obtained. Hence, the drag force can be reduced by using add on devices on vehicle and fuel economy, stability of a passenger car can be improved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1894-1897 |
468 |
Design of Radix-2 64-Point FFT Processor Using CORDIC Algorithm
-Ketana Sudheer Babu ; D Madhavi
In this paper, we proposed an efficient radix-2 FFT architecture using CORDIC algorithm for FPGA implementation of FFT. CORDIC algorithm is used for twiddle factor multiplication; it will reduce the computation time and make faster processor. The proposed algorithm uses a new addressing scheme and the angle generator logic in order to remove the ROM usage to store twiddle factors. The CORDIC algorithm offers opportunity to calculate all the functions in a simple and elegant fashion. By using only additions and shift operations CORDIC algorithm calculates the rotation of a vector and it is an iterative algorithm. The design architecture is written in verilog HDL code using Modelsim and XILINX ISE 14.2 tools. Read More...
VLSI design |
India |
1898-1902 |
469 |
Implementation of Stack-PI, A Defense Mechanism for DDOS Attack and IP-Spoofing
-Shashikant D. Khade ; Pawan Kshetre; Kisan Kale; Sayli Khurud
Internet has become a very important tool in today’s world. It has become the key for all interactions in every field. But unfortunately, evolution to the use of internet to its full extent has been compromise due to the threats to security. In particular, one of the major threat to the Internet is composed of Denial of Service Attacks. A Distributed Denial of Service attack uses many computers to launch a coordinated Denial of Service attack against one or more targets. Therefore a new packet marking scheme, Stack-Pi, has been proposed. In Pi (Path Identifier) approach, a path fingerprint is embedded in each packet, enabling a victim to identify packets traversing the same paths through the Internet on a per packet basis, regardless of source IP address spoofing. This allows the victim to take a proactive role in defending against a DDoS attack by using the Pi mark to alter out packets matching the attackers identifiers on a per packet basis. In Stack-Pi a new packet marking scheme based on Pi, and new filtering mechanisms is used. The Stack-Pi marking scheme consists of two new marking methods that substantially improve Pi’s incremental deployment performance: Stack-based marking and Write-ahead marking. This scheme almost eliminates the effect of a few legacy routers on a path, and performs 24 times better than the original Pi scheme in a sparse deployment of Pi-enabled routers. The project aims at proposing the implementation details and basic algorithms for stack-pi, a defense mechanism for DDoS attack under the presence of few Legacy routers on the path. The attack is modeled in two phases as Training phase and Defense phase. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1903-1907 |
470 |
Comparative Analysis of QAM and DP-QPSK Modulation Techniques for Optical Communication
-Harsha Reddy T ; Arun Chandra P; Gowri Satheesh; Jabeena A
4-QAM and DP-QPSK modes of modulation for coherent optical communication are analyzed and compared using power spectrum and constellation diagrams, to determine the modulation technique which will provide higher rates of data transmission, with lower power loss and bit error rate. Read More...
communication engineering |
India |
1908-1909 |
471 |
Cheating Identification and Prevention in Secret Sharing Scheme using Digital Watermarking
-Gajanan Wayal ; Neha Thopte; Reshma More; Divya Walgude
Visual cryptography (VC) is numerous applications, including visual authentication and identification, steganography, image encryption and digital watermarking. A new cryptographic scheme proposed for securing color image based on visual cryptography scheme. the watermark method is an excellent technique to protect the original information of a digital image. In exiting system there is work on binary images. we are introduced new system which are using the sharing schemes for dividing color image and apply digital watermarking for security of shares .We are dividing our system into three main phases creation of shares, distribution of shares and construction of secret. since we are identify and prevent cheater participant and block the cheater participant .In this paper, we and show that it is not cheating immune. We also outline an improvement that helps to overcome the problem. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1910-1913 |
472 |
Investigation on Moment Connection in Cold Formed Beam-Column Open Section
-Tanmay Shah ; SenthilPandian.M
Now a days, hot rolled sections are used in abundance in steel structures. Therefore the structures are heavy because of its self-weight. Moreover, the fabrication and moulding of these steel members require more capital and skilled labor. To overcome the limitations of hot rolled sections, alternative material that is cold formed steel is used. Cold formed steel sections are widely used in many ways such as structural frames of vehicles, storage racks in warehouses and even in furniture. This paper is focused on the two different type of column beam connection to restrain the moment. A brief comparative studied is done using finite element analysis software ANSYS based on the analytical result load v/s deflection and moment rotation are studied to find out the most efficient connection. The results will help to study moment rotation capacity of the section. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1914-1916 |
473 |
A Review of Literaure on Super Resolution based Technique
-Dipa D.Teraiya ; Dr.Ashish Kothari
The goal of Super-Resolution (SR) is to produce a higher resolution image from lower resolution images. High resolution image offers a high pixel density. It does require for high resolution is common in computer vision applications for better performance in model detection and analysis of images. Super resolution techniques are applied on multiple LR images captured from the same scene in order to increase spatial resolution for a new image of that same scene. High resolution is of importance in medical imaging for diagnosis. Many applications require zooming of a specific area of interest in the image where in high resolution becomes essential, e.g. observation, forensic and satellite imaging applications. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1917-1919 |
474 |
High Tech Optimization Technique for Predicting Various Varieties of Paddy Grains
-P.Suganya ; K.S.Tamil Selvan
In recent years, many seed processing plants are emerging, among that the paddy processing unit plays a major role and a quality of paddy variety is most important. Now-a-days, classification of paddy varieties is done manually by visual inspection which is time consuming and tedious process. To overcome this, a new method is proposed based on Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) to automatically differentiating five varieties of paddy such as ADT-38, ADT-39, ADT-43, ASD-16, and TKM-9. In this paper first paddy kernel image is acquired, then undergone various image pre-processing steps and finally segmented based on the color and texture features. The proposed method provides efficient classification of paddy varieties. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1920-1923 |
475 |
Easier Automation With Puppet
-Vishal Vishwas Gulumkar ; Snehal L. Kshirsagar; Sanket V.Chordiya; Prof A M Hattarge
Puppet is developed by Puppet labs, which is founded by Luke Kanies in the year 2005.It is written in ruby and released as free software . In computing, Puppet is an open source configuration management utility. It runs on many Unix-like systems as well as on Microsoft Windows, and includes its own declarative language to describe system configuration. The state of IT infrastructure can be configured and can be automatically enforced to a correct state using Open source puppet. Puppet is the foundation for automation in IT infrastructure. It acts as abstract configuration for infrastructure as same tool can be used for data center as well as software delivery. It also enables collaboration among different project teams.It lets machines do what they are made for and lets human to mange thing in a really efficient way. Managing just few server or thousands machines or virtual machines is tedious job as it's done manually ,puppet automates the tasks of system admin and saves time, so admins deliver greater business values. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1924-1926 |
476 |
Certain Investigation on Error Detecting and Correcting Codes in Memories
-Thilagavathi B ; Deepika S
The radiation in the space environment creates multiple upsets in the memories, when the datas are travelling from one system to another system. These upsets can become a serious problem in terms of accuracy and performance of the digital system. The reliability of data transmission gets severely affected by these it is essential to detect and correct the errors and protect the memories from data corruption. The various Error detecting and correcting codes are used to detect and correct the upsets. Read More...
India |
1927-1928 |
477 |
Computational Fluid Flow Analysis of Formula One Racing Car
-Triya Nanalal Vadgama ; Mr. Arpit Patel; Dr. Dipali Thakkar; Mr. Jignesh Vala
A modern Formula One (F1) Racing Car has almost as much in common with an aircraft as it does with an ordinary road car. Aerodynamics has become a key to success in the sport and teams spend millions of dollars on research and development in the field each year for improving performance. The aerodynamic designer has two primary concerns: 1) the creation of down force, to help push the car’s tyres onto the track and improve cornering forces, 2) to minimise the drag that occurs due to turbulence and acts to slow down the car. In this project, various features of the car will be enhanced to make the whole car more aerodynamically efficient, by designing and modifying and the different parts of the car-body chassis, and analysing the corresponding flow-field at different velocities and Angle of Attacks (AOA) using Ansys CFX software. The enhanced model will be made aerodynamically efficient by considering the contours of velocity, pressure, and streamlines. Read More...
India |
1929-1936 |
478 |
Economic Analysis of Transportation Project using HDM-4 Model
-Mit Patel ; Prof. N.D.Hajiani
Roads are the dominant mode of transportation in India. Roads carry almost 85 percent of the country’s passenger traffic and more than 62 percent of its fright traffic. Due to improvement in transportation network, reduction in transportation costs can be realized in numerous ways, such as reduction in travel time, decrease in vehicle operating costs, increased safety and reduction in the level of air and noise pollution. In addition to reduction in transportation cost, it also increase comfort to passengers and also enhancing land value. Economic analysis is a critical component of a comprehensive project evaluation methodology that considers all key quantitative and qualitative impacts of highway investments. The scope of present study consists of evaluating the impact on traffic and checking economical viability of the project. Strengthening and widening for two lanes with paved shoulder of flexible pavement road namely, Nashik-Peth Section of NH-848 is taken as a case study. In spite of heavy initial investment in strengthening and widening to two lane with paved shoulder of flexible pavement, economic analysis carried out using HDM-IV software results indicates that there is great saving towards Vehicle Operating cost (VOC) and Travel Time cost (TTC) after improvement. Economic Internal Rate of Return of 27.30% also indicate that improvement of flexible pavement is economic viable. Read More...
India |
1937-1942 |
479 |
Development of Data Acquisition System Based on Triggered Acquisition
-Kavil C. Shah ; Dharmesh N. Khandhar; Khushbu H. Raval
During the experimental durations various signals are to be sampled and acquired at various speeds ranging from 5 Sps to 100 MSps. This generates a huge amount of data throughput for the data acquisition systems of these facilities. It creates challenges for the data management system. To reduce the generation of such huge amount of data, event based diagnostic system is required.The Aim of the paper is to give the exploration about Red Pitaya – Open source hardware which can be used to fulfill the requirement of external event triggered based data acquisition. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1943-1946 |
480 |
Cost And Time Control In Storm Water Management Using Pervious Concrete
-Gaurav Uttam Shinde ; Dr.S.S.Valunjkar
Pervious concrete is a comparatively new concept for metro city pavement because of problems in urban area related to low ground water table, storm water management etc. Pervious concrete has introduced in metro cities as a road pavement material. Pervious concrete as a paving material has seen renewed interest due to its ability to allow water percolate through itself to recharge groundwater table and reduced storm water runoff. In metro cities cost consideration is the primary factor. Maintenance of costly storm water management system is difficult to execute in cities due to its large population. Pervious concrete pavement is irreplaceable and effective means to meet growing environmental and population demand. It allows runoff to percolate through itself and meet to the ground water table. Infiltration of storm water is totally depend upon the soil character and its permeability. In absence of low permeable soil pervious concrete is great solution for storm water management. This pervious concrete pavements creates more effective land use by excluding the need for retention ponds, swell, and other costly storm water management devices.In this paper one case study is analyzed. Considering rainfall data, traffic volume data, soil and geotechnical investigation data of a residential colony which was taken as a part of case study, the suitability of Pervious Concrete as pavement material was checked. Cost comparison between conventional method of storm water management and storm water management using pervious concrete pavement is checked. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1947-1949 |
481 |
A Cross Layer Design in Wireless Multihop Networks for Improving the Performance and Optimality
-Chetan Patel S B ; Dr. Raghuveer
The success of communication network has largely been a result of adopting a layered architecture. With this architecture, its design and implementation is divided into simpler modules that are separately designed and implemented and then interconnected. However, the layered structures in the existing networks are designed in layers, where protocols operate independently at each layer of the network stack. This approach provides flexibility with a modular design and standardization, but it may result in severe performance degradation when these protocols do not cooperate well. This is usually the case of wireless multihop networks, where noise and interference at lower layers affect the routing and congestion control performed at upper layers. Wireless links are unreliable and wireless nodes usually rely on random access mechanism to access wireless channel. Thus, the performance of link layer is not guaranteed, which will result in performance problems for the whole network. So, we need cross-layer design in order to improve the performance and achieve the capacity of wireless multihop networks. In this paper, we are using XPRESS, a cross-layer backpressure architecture designed to reach the capacity of wireless multihop networks. Instead of a collection of poorly coordinated wireless routers, XPRESS turns a mesh network into a wireless switch where packet routing and scheduling decisions are made by a backpressure scheduler. XPRESS is composed of a central controller, which performs backpressure scheduling based on the measured wireless network state, and also of the wireless nodes, which periodically provide the network measurements and execute the computed schedule using a cross-layer protocol stack. Transmissions over the network are scheduled using a throughput-optimal backpressure algorithm. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
1950-1954 |
482 |
Seismic Evaluation of Rcc Building with Softstorey at Ground Floor
-Manoj Bhaskar ; S.S. Khuswah; Ranjeet Joshi
Reinforced concrete frame buildings have become common form of construction with masonry infills in urban and semi urban areas in the world. The term infilled frame denotes a composite structure formed by the combination of a moment resisting plane frame and infill walls. Many such buildings constructed in recent times have a special feature - the ground storey is left open, which means the columns in the ground storey do not have any partition walls between them. There is significant advantage of this type of buildings functionally but from seismic performance point of view such buildings are considered to have increased vulnerability. Though multi-storeyed buildings with parking floor (soft storey) are vulnerable to collapse due to earthquake loads, their construction is still widespread. The open ground storey buildings are generally designed as framed structures without regard to structural action of masonry infill walls. The first storey becomes soft and weak relative to the other upper stories, since the first stories are composed of only the columns and upper stories are divided by the rigid walls. According to IS 1893 part I: 2002 a soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of that in the storey above or less than 80 percent of average lateral stiffness of the three stories above. A extreme soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 60 percent of that in the storey above or less than 70 percent of average lateral stiffness of the three stories above. It is found that, lateral displacement is very large in case of bare frame as compare to that of in-filled frames. If the effect of infill wall is considered then the deflection has reduced drastically. The presence of walls in upper storeys makes them much stiffer than open ground storey. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1955-1960 |
483 |
Verilog Implementation of UART with Status Register
-Sangeetham Rohini
In parallel communication the cost as well as complexity of the system increases due to simultaneous transmission of data bits on multiple wires. Serial communication overcomes this drawback and emerges as effective way in many applications for long distance communication as it reduces the signal distortion because of its simple structure. This paper focuses on the Verilog implementation of UART with status register which supports asynchronous serial communication. The paper presents the architecture of UART which indicates, during reception of data, different types of errors like parity error, framing error, overrun error and break error using status register. The whole design is functionally verified using Xilinx ISE Simulator. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1961-1965 |
484 |
Secured Cloud Storage using Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication and Efficient Revocation
-Sijo Jacob ; Prof.Varsha Dange; Pavan Chaudhari; Vinay Thadani; Narayan Bhagat
We propose a new decentralized access control scheme for secure data storage in clouds that supports anonymous authentication. In the proposed scheme, the cloud verifies the authenticity of the series without knowing the user’s identity before storing data. Our scheme also has the added feature of access control in which only valid users are able to decrypt the stored information. The scheme prevents replay attacks and supports creation, modification, and reading data stored in the cloud. To optimize the revocation procedure, we present a new efficient revocation scheme which is efficient, secure, and unassisted. We also address user revocation. Moreover, our authentication and access control scheme is decentralized and robust, unlike other access control schemes designed for clouds which are centralized. The communication, computation, and storage overheads are comparable to centralized approaches. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1966-1969 |
485 |
Secure Data Storage in the Cloud by using Data Perturbation Method
-Miss Darpe Dipali Rambhau ; Prof. Rohini V. Agawane
Now a day’s use of cloud computing infrastructures is increased. Cloud provides solution to save the cost of query services as it provides the advantages of scalability and cost saving. But some data owner hesitates to store the sensitive data on the cloud as the service providers are curious i. e. they are untrusted. Data owner wants to ensure privacy of query and confidentiality of data when they wish to move to the cloud. A secured query service is nothing but it should provide processing of query efficiently with the reduced workload of in house infrastructure to utilize advantages of cloud computing. For protected data in the cloud there is needed to provide efficient and secure query processing. RASP data perturbation method achieves this by combining random noise injection and order preserving encryption. RASP data perturbation is used to provide secure and efficient knn and range query services. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1970-1972 |
486 |
Performance on Integrated Point and Duck Wave Energy Convertor
-Rahul D.Gorle ; Sohan V.Sarode; Mayuri M.Wandhare; Zoeb Khan; M.G.Pawar
In this project an attempt is made to integrate the two technologies of wave energy convertor to achieve greater electricity production. An approach is made to minimize the cost of production of wave energy convertor. The two technologies are merged to gain the advantages of both in simple and efficient way. The geographical conditions of Indian Ocean region have some local short waves which may be ideal to use this type of energy convertor. According to the collecting of wave data and using an optimized buoy, it is concluded that the adjustments have more effect on balancing buoy properly. Therefore, by changing the shape of flat buoy to flower shape has direct effect on the buoy to balance properly on waves. These characteristics enable low complexity of the device, excellent survivability and an exceptionally high capacity factor. This may lead to low capital as well as low operation and maintenance costs. Read More...
India |
1973-1975 |
487 |
InGaN/GaN-Based Energy-Efficient Blue LEDs for Illumination
-Mukesh Kumar ; Narendra Singh Yadav
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are narrow-band light sources based on semiconductor material, with wavelengths ranging from the infrared to the ultraviolet. The material that enabled the development of blue LEDs was Gallium Nitride. Gallium Nitride is a semiconductor of the III-V class. GaN can be doped, with silicon to n-type and with magnesium to p-type. The development of efficient blue LEDs also required the production of GaN based alloys with different compositions and their integration into multilayer structures such as heterojunctions and quantum wells. For GaN based light-emitting diodes is reviewed. There are two broad developments in GaN-based LED technology: Ist, the key breakthroughs that enabled the development of GaN-based devices on foreign substrates like sapphire , and, IInd, a new wave of devices benefiting from developments in GaN substrate manufacturing, which has GaN based LEDs with unprecedented performance characteristics that portend a disruptive shift in LED output power density and the corresponding cost of generating light. The invention of efficient blue LEDs has led to white light sources for illumination. By coating a blue LED with a phosphor material a portion of the blue light can be converted to yellow, green, and red light. This mixture of colored light will be perceived by humans as white light and can therefore be used for general application. Read More...
India |
1976-1979 |
488 |
AMMS:Advanced Mobile Multimedia Security Camera Based Attack
-Dipali Vekhande ; Pooja Niranjane; Shraddha Fatke; Pradnya Patange
In our day-to-day life mobile Smartphone has become the most common thing. Smart phone uses wireless multimedia communication. Thus phone security is also very necessary for that we designed a tiered security App for mobile device, where each security tier holds user defined security triggers and actions. Also, the mobile phone cameras are harmful and thus should be secured. So we will focus on security issues related to mobile phone cameras. There are several camera based attacks. Camera app has also become quite popular. By this, even the user can be a victim. We implement security app which can secure such harmful camera based app. We will detect the app which will ask access to the camera. Further we will either give access to the app or deny. That will depend on user to provide access or not. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1980-1984 |
489 |
Optimum Thermal Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
-Kakasaheb R. Sahane ; Abhijeet A. Shinde; Prof. A. M. Umbarkar
The purpose of this paper is how to design the shell and tube heat exchanger which is the majority type of liquid –to- liquid heat exchanger. Heat transfer area and pressure drops and checking whether the assumed design satisfies all requirement or not. General design considerations and design procedure are also illustrated in this paper. Excel sheet is used for Trial calculation. TEMA Standards and Kern method is used for design of shell and tube Heat Exchanger.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1985-1988 |
490 |
Design and Development of Automated Floor Cleaning System for Domestic Purpose
-Vaibhavi V. Rewatkar ; Sachin Bagde
Home appliances of today are becoming smater and having higher degrees of automation. This system is designed to make cleaning process more easier than manual vacuum. The developed concept carries a dry cleaning mechanism in the front and a wet cleaning mechanism in the back. First large particles and dust are suctioned , afterwards clean water or solution is droped on the pad which mop the floor. It holds a square design to enhance rechability of cleaning areas and a one stroke strategy to implement all mechanism in one sweep. Other than this is compresses of special technique of UV germicidal cleaning technology. The study has been done keeping in mind economic cost of product. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1989-1991 |
491 |
Modeling of Single Stage Grid-Connected Buck-Boost Inverter for Domestic Applications
-Maruthi Banakar ; Mrs.Ramya N
This paper introduces the implementation of conventional multistage inverter into single-stage grid-tie buck-boost photovoltaic inverter topology for domestic purposes where Buck-boost and inversions are takes place in single stage only. Instead of using transformer here we will use special energy conversion device called Coupled Inductor. And this topology has a low component count with only three power switches, while conventional PV inverters may require four to five switches in two-stage power conversions for the same functions. And also it has numerous desirable features such as low cost, smaller size, simple control scheme and good efficiency. Switching of inverter circuit will be done by combination of sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) and square wave signal under grid synchronization condition. To regulate the inverter’s instantaneous ac output voltage, a closed-loop SPWM control technique is used to stabilize the output and to regulate the inverter’s instantaneous ac output voltage. The proposed model design is mathematically modeled in MATLAB or PSIM. Simulation results are presented to verify the viability of proposed inverter for grid connected photovoltaic application and shows the capability of the inverter to feed a sinusoidal current to the utility grid at wide range of input photovoltaic dc voltage. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1992-1996 |
492 |
An Innovative Approach for Storing and Accessing Small Files in Hadoop Distributed File System
-K.Kiruthika ; E. Gothai
In the recent years, the use of internet get increases, so all user wish to store data on cloud computing platform. Most of the time user’s files are small in size, so it leads to small files. Hadoop is developed as a software structure for distributed processing of large datasets across large clusters of computers. Hadoop structure consists of Hadoop Distributed file system (HDFS) and Execution engine called Map Reduce layers. HDFS has the property of handling very large datasets whose sizes are in Megabytes, Gigabytes and Terabytes, but the performance of Hadoop Distributed file system degrades when handling large amount of small size files. The massive numbers of small files impose heavy burden to the NameNode of HDFS, correlations between small files were not considered for data storage. In this paper, an efficient approach is designed to improve the storage and access efficiencies of small files, small files are classified based on file correlation features and File merging and prefetching technique is applied for structurally-related small files. AVRO technique is applied to further improve the storage and access efficiency of small files. Experimental procedures show that the proposed technique effectively improves the storage and access efficiency of small files when compared with the original HDFS. Read More...
India |
1997-2001 |
493 |
Implementation of Backhaul Rate Allocation in Uplink SC-FDMA Using Greedy Algorithm
-Rajadurai.P ; Velmurugan
A cellular system where mobile terminals transmit in the uplink to base stations (BSs) using single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA), to consider multi cell processing among BSs. Received signals are first quantized on a per-subcarrier basis and then forwarded to the serving BS on a backhaul with limited rate. With the aim of maximizing the network throughput, a) design an efficient composite signal representation and b) propose a rate allocation algorithm for the backhaul. Using a closed-form expression of the achievable throughput in the presence of quantization noise, an iterative greedy algorithm for the backhaul rate allocation is developed, where at each iteration the selection of signal to be exchanged as the one providing the maximum network throughput increase per backhaul bit. In order to determine how many quantization bits are used for each received signal, consider either a static bit allocation with a fixed number of bits, or a dynamic bit allocation (which ensures a predetermined network percentage throughput loss with respect to the unquantized case). In an LTE scenario, it is seen that the proposed bit allocation methods flexibly adapt to channel and backhaul conditions and yield similar performance, hence the static approach is preferred due to its lower complexity. Read More...
M.E Applied Electronics |
India |
2002-2005 |
494 |
Wearable Healthcare Monitoring System for Remote Areas
-Sandesh N Warbhe ; Swapnili Karmore
Pervasiveness of continual diseases and outburst of infectious diseases are some of the major challenges for the present day world. Wearable Healthcare monitoring system is very important and necessary especially in remote areas because many primary healthcare clinics in rural areas do not have any healthcare electronic systems and continue to operate on paper based systems and patients have to keep their medical records by themselves. To overcome the unfulfilled healthcare needs, early prediction and treatment of diseases and acquisition, processing, transmission, storage and retrieval of physiological information has emerged as an active area of research. In this paper a smart wearable healthcare monitoring system for the remote patient is designed using an ultra-low power MSP430 microcontroller. The proposed system aims to design a low power consuming, cost effective, light weight healthcare monitoring system. The simulation result of proposed system and comparison with existing system considering power consumption are discussed in the result section. Read More...
Embedded system and Wireless sensor network. |
India |
2006-2011 |
495 |
Relational Database Watermarking
-Akshay Sadanand Mayekar ; Sheetal S. Mule; Megha S. Jha; Chidvilasinee O. Shridattopasak; Sunil M. Sangve
Proving ownership rights on outsourced relational databases has become an important issue in today’s internet-based environments and in many content distribution applications. In this paper, we present a technique for proof of ownership based on the secure embedding of a robust imperceptible watermark in relational data. We formulate the watermarking of relational databases as an optimization problem and discuss efficient techniques to solve the optimization problem and to handle the constraints. Our watermarking technique is resilient to different watermark attacks because it uses a partitioning approach that does not require marker tuples. Our method overcomes weaknesses that are present in previously proposed watermarking techniques. Watermark decoding is based on mean of partitions and the bits decoded using majority voting algorithm. We implemented the conceptual algorithm of our watermarking technique and showed by experimental results that our technique is resilient to tuple deletion, alteration, and insertion attacks. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2012-2015 |
496 |
Decentralized Access Control of Data in Cloud Services using Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption
-S.Neelakandan ; D.Paul Raj; M.Dinesh Kumar
Cloud storage is a storage of data online in cloud which is accessible from multiple and connected resources. Cloud storage can provide good accessibility and reliability, strong protection, disaster recovery, and lowest cost. Cloud storage having important functionality i.e. securely, efficiently, flexibly sharing data with others. New public–key encryption which is called as Key-aggregate cryptosystem (KAC) is introduced. Key-aggregate cryptosystem produce constant size cipher texts such that efficient delegation of decryption rights for any set of cipher text are possible. Any set of secret keys can be aggregated and make them as single key, which encompasses power of all the keys being aggregated. This aggregate key can be sent to the others for decryption of cipher text set and remaining encrypted files outside the set are remains confidential. The security mechanisms for private and public clouds are different. It may be possible that an unauthorized user can access the data from the public clouds. Hence, it is of critical importance that the client should be able to verify the integrity of the data stored in the un-trusted server. In order to address the security issues, Trusted Third Party Auditing (TPA) is used as a service for private and public clouds, which offers various services to check for the integrity of the data. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
2016-2020 |
497 |
Iris Recognition for Person Identification using RSA Algorithm
-Elakkiya.Y ; V.Girija; B. Aktharunisa Begum
In biometrics, human being needs to be identified based on some characteristic physiological parameters. A wide variety of recognition schemes is used to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services. In this work, we present various approaches to generate a unique and more secure cryptographic key from iris template. The iris images are processed to produce iris template or code to be utilized for the encryption and decryption tasks a fuzzy vault refers to a biometric cryptosystem that can be used to effectively protect private keys and to release them only when legitimate users enter their biometric data. Distance metric such as hamming distance is used for the template matching identification process. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the various systems and it shows that, R-S cryptographic algorithm can obtain a higher security with a low false rejection or false acceptance rate comparing to other techniques, and we would like to introduce this technique in aadhar card. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
2021-2026 |
498 |
Band Adaptive Method of Image Contrast Modification in Decompression Domain
-Manish Kumar Mishra ; Prof. M. P. Parsai
Contrast enhancement deals those images which have lower resolution. In order to increase information associated with the image details. Here we represent a new algorithm to enhance contrast of the image. The algorithm is applied on 2D-DCT domain to enhance contrast and hence enhance the various image details. The advantages of the algorithm are it avoids severe blocking artifacts and also avoids amplification of low intensity noise. The method is applied on the decompression mode of the JPEG codec. Read More...
electronics and comm. (Image processing) |
India |
2027-2029 |
499 |
Combine Effect of Dimethyl Ether (DME) As an Additive & the Injection Pressure On an Exhaust Emission of 4 Stroke C.I Engine
-Mayur J Jalanapurkar ; Gaurav P Rathod; Karan A Patel; Tushar M Patel
In this work, an experimental work is carried out on single cylinder four stroke diesel engine. Dimethyl ether (DME) is used as an additive with diesel in different percentage (5%,10%,& 15%). DME [CH3O CH3] is mostly commonly produced from natural gas. Also DME has a high cetane number and superior vaporization quality compare with diesel. So it is suitable to use in diesel engine for better performance of engine. For this experiment, Taguchi method is used for optimization. For this optimization, parameters are taken as % of DME, Injection pressure and Load. Injection pressure taken as 160bar, 180bar, 200bar &220bar. Load is taken as 1kg,4kg, 7kg & 10kg. After an experiment, taguchi gives optimum result for lowest CO, HC & NOx Emissions. CO & HC increases & NOx emission decreases with % of DME increases. There is a little effect of injection pressure on CO emission. HC increases with injection pressure increases. NOx emission decreases with increasing injection pressure. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
2030-2034 |
500 |
Object Tracking on Joint Color Texture Histogram using LBP
-Nagaraja K G ; Rajendra Soloni; Vanitha R
Object tracking discovers its appliance in various computer vision appliance, such as video compression, surveillance, robotics etc .like human life is very precious hence under some restricted areas we can apply computer vision technique to avoid death of human being. In region based object tracking, color and texture characteristics are considered. These features can quickly and approximately locate objects. In boundary situated object tracking, edge and frame difference characteristics are included. The main intention of object tracking is separating a ROI(region of interest) from a video clip and carryout track of its movement, location and occlusion. The object discovery and object categorization are previous footprint for tracking an object in series of images. Object detection is carried out to check presence of objects in video and to exactly locate that object. In static surrounding segmentation of object is easy. In dynamic surrounding due to changing in the environmental conditions like as intensity changes, shadows and sudden changes in sequence of images. Adopting the Texture operator local binary patterns(LBP) in this paper with the help of Mat lab. Read More...
Electronics and communication (digital electronics) |
India |
2035-2038 |